Why do i have error on SharePointOnlineCredentials ? namespace not found

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-01-07 02:44:26


I have CSOM packaged installed as you can see:

And i cannot install sharepoint package or runtime because it says its not compatible with my version 3.1 ...

So this is a repeated question, but the thing is i cant comment and in any other post people tell us to install all this packages i talked before... How can i use SharePointOnlineCredentials? Thanks for any help


SharePointOnlineCredentail isn't supported in .NET Standard platform any more.

Please check the official document here for more details:

A solution would register Azure AD App and use this App get the access token for authentcaition.

You can refer the official document above for detailed code sample.


All you need is Microsoft.SharePointOnline.CSOM NuGet package. You will find SharePointOnlineCredentials in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client namespace:

 var creds = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(username, password);

