Route to different actions with the same url with different params

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-01-04 05:56:12


I'm building api with such routes: /items and /items/{id}. For now I want to route this routes to two different actions. I am not able to configure it with attributes, here is config:

    new { controller = "Items", action = "Get" });

    new { controller = "Items", action = "Get" });

But this route just doesn't work. Where am I wrong?


It's not possible to have 2 action methods with the same name and map them using route templating unless those methods are mapped to different HTTP method (all this due to how model binding is working):

public class ProductsController : Controller
   public IActionResult Edit(int id) { ... }

   public IActionResult Edit(int id, Product product) { ... }

But yes, this is possible to do using attribute routing. If you cannot use this approach, then you have only the following options:

  • rename one of the action's name;
  • combine both actions into one with optional id parameter.
    public class ItemsController : Controller
        public IActionResult Get(int? id) 
            if (id.HasValue())
            { // logic as in second action }
            { // first action logic }

and define routing as

    name: "route",
    template: "{controller=Items}/{action=Get}/{id?}");

