how to dynamically call instance methods in typescript?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-01-02 06:30:21


I have an object and I want to dynamically call a method on it.

Having typechecking would be nice but that maybe impossible. But I can't even get it to compile at all currently:

  const key: string = 'someMethod'
  const func = this[key]

gives me this error...

Element implicitly has an 'any' type 
because expression of type 'any' can't be used 
to index type 'TixBot'.

I tried some other type options without success.

  const key: any = cmd.func
  const func: any = this[key]

Apart from @ts-ignore how could I solve this? I was wondering if I can use .call() or bind to somehow work around it?


Typescript will error if it can't check that the string used is a valid member of the class. This for example will work:

class MyClass {
    methodA() {
    methodB() {

    runOne() {
        const random = Math.random() > 0.5 ? "methodA" : "methodB" // random is typed as "methodA" | "methodB"
        this[random](); //ok, since random is always a key of this

In the samples above removing the explicit type annotation from a constant should give you the literal type and allow you to use the const to index into this.

You could also type the string as keyof Class :

class MyClass {
    methodA() {
    methodB() {

    runOne(member: Exclude<keyof MyClass, "runOne">) { // exclude this method
        this[member](); //ok

If you already have a string using an assertion to keyof MyClass is also an option although this is not as type safe (this[member as keyof MyClass] where let member: string)


For example, some syntetic code

  class Auth extends React.Component {
    validateField(fieldName: string) {
      const validator = this[`${fieldName}IsValid` as keyof Auth]

    emailIsValid() {
      return /.+@.+/.test(

    passwordIsValid() {
      return /.{3,}/.test(this.state.password || '')

    render() {
      return (
          <input name="email" onChange={this.validateFormField('email')} .../>
          <input name="password" onChange={this.validateFormField('password')} .../>

