Clone a repo with submodules: override credentials

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-01-02 05:31:50


I have to automate cloning a repository and fetching it's all submodules. The urls for repository submodules are specified at .gitmodules. If I were to go with defaults I would just do

git clone --recursive https://username:password@url.git

The problem is credentials aren't included in .gitmodules file and I am prompted for those when I clone. I have to use HTTPS rather then SSH.

I tried to submit the credentials using git config:

git clone https://username:password@url.git my_repo
cd my_repo
git submodule init
git config submodule.my_submodule.url "https://username:password@url/my_submodule.git"
git submodule update

but I get prompted for credentials in the last update step. I've checked that the submodule url is correct and has proper credentials in .git/config file.


After editting the .gitmodules file you need to apply changes using

git submodule sync

The next time you run git submodule update the new url will be used.


Looks like you are trying to use git credentials but not having any luck.

Option 1

Add credentials using the credential helper:

git config credential. myusername
git config credential.helper "$helper $options"

Check your ~/.gitconfig and verify that the appropriate entry is added.

Further reading:

Option 2

I would double check the contents of your .git-credentials file and make a new entry for the submodule if it is not present. This file is used internally by the git credentials helper.

Option 3

Easy solution in windows is to remove the username, password from modules file:

[submodule foo]
  path = sub/foo
  url =

And create a ~/.netrc file.

  login myusername
  password areamandyingtotellsomeonehiscoolpassword

Kudos to Git submodule URL not including username?.


If, like me, you are running CI and have access to a private token and already know the path to the submodule, you could use

git config credential.helper store
echo "https://LOGIN:${PAT}" > ~/.git-credentials

The next submodule update will not ask for credential.

Obviously, you'll want to clean this up once your done. In my case, I run in a docker container, so I don't have this concern.

