Using Swift how to convert a string to a number

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-01-02 02:22:30


I am getting values back from a web service that gives me back prices in a string format, this is put into a Dictionary, so I get prices back as "1.5000" for example, which is obviously 1.50 in currency. However for the life of me I cannot get anything to work in Swift to format this correctly. In most other languages you can do this in a couple of seconds, so I'm getting a bit frustrated with something that is so simple.

Here's my test code:

    var testnumber = "1.5000"
    let n = NSNumberFormatter()
    n.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterStyle.DecimalStyle
    n.maximumFractionDigits = 2
    n.minimumFractionDigits = 2
    let returnNumber = n.numberFromString(testnumber)
    println("Returned number is \(returnNumber)")

This prints out in debug "number is Optional(1.5)" not 1.50!

I have changed NSNumberFormatterStyle.DecimalStyle to NSNumberFormatterStyle.CurrencyStyle as I thought that may do it for me as the returned number is a currency anyway, but that gives me back in debug "Returned number is nil" - which is even more confusing to me!

I have tried using maximumIntegerDigits and minimumIntegerDigits, setting locales using n.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale(), setting formatWidth, setting paddingPosition and paddingCharacter but nothing helps, I either get nil back to 1.5.

All I ultimately need to do is convert a string to a float or a currency value, and ensure there are 2 decimal places, and I can't believe it's this hard to accomplish!

Any help would be very gratefully received.


You are printing a number not a string

Xcode 11.4 • Swift 5.2 or later

extension Formatter {
    static let usCurrency: NumberFormatter = {
        let formatter = NumberFormatter()
        formatter.locale = .init(identifier: "en_US")
        formatter.numberStyle = .currency
        return formatter

extension String {
    var double: Double? { Double(self) }
    var usCurrencyFormatted: String {
        Formatter.usCurrency.string(for: double) ?? Formatter.usCurrency.string(for: 0) ?? ""

"1.1222".usCurrencyFormatted           // "$1.12"
"2".usCurrencyFormatted                // "$2.00"


The problem is about numberFromString returning an optional - so you have to unwrap before printing. Just to be safe, you can use optional binding:

if let returnNumber = n.numberFromString(testnumber) {
    println("Returned number is \(returnNumber)")

otherwise if it's ok for the app to crash if the optional is nil (in some cases this is a wanted behavior if the optional is expected to always contain a non nil value) just use forced unwrapping:

let returnNumber = n.numberFromString(testnumber)!
println("Returned number is \(returnNumber)")

That fixes the unwanted "Optional(xx)" text. As for formatting a float/double number, there are probably several ways of doing it - the one I would use is c-like string formatting, available via NSString:

let formattedNumber = NSString(format: "%.2f", returnNumber)
println("Returned number is \(formattedNumber)")

Use String Format Specifiers as reference if you want to know more about format specifiers.


You could probably just use the NSNumberFormatter that you just created.

let returnNumber = n.stringFromNumber(n.numberFromString(testnumber))

returnNumber will now be of type String.


The following returns to 2 decimal places for me in playgrounds. May be of some help to you. Uses NSNumberFormatter and then unwraps the optional

let testnumber: String = "1.50000"
let numberFormatter = NSNumberFormatter()
let number  = numberFormatter.numberFromString(testnumber)
if let final = number?.floatValue {
    println("Returned number is " + String(format: "%.2f", final))

