Enforce HTTP to HTTPS in Azure Premium Verizon CDN

安稳与你 提交于 2021-01-01 13:54:22


I have followed this link to convert all the HTTP endpoints to HTTPS. However, it uses an option called

IF Request Protocol;
URL Redirect

Request Protocol is not available(I cannot see) in the CDN profile that I am trying to configure. I have attached a screenshot of the rule creation phase below.

Question 1

Where can I find the Request Protocol option on the CDN Config page?

Question 2

If Request Protocol is deprecated(or no longer available), how can I perform the mentioned task?


The rules engine that's described in that article is available only for Standard Azure CDN from Microsoft.

To redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Azure Premium Verizon CDN, you can follow the steps in this blog.

The rules can take up to 4 hours to become active. But it’s typically much faster.

