Retrieve data from mysql and display in the form of ascii text table in browser

安稳与你 提交于 2021-01-01 08:38:11


How to query mysql data and display it in the form of ascii text table in a Browser, just as you get it in command line. A small example is given below :

| S.No | S.R.NO. | EMPLOYEE NAME       | D.O.B      |
|    1 |       0 | T CHANDRASHEKAR     | 01/01/2000 |
|    2 |  000102 | A RAMESH            | 01/01/2000 |
|    3 |  601026 | B DEEPAK KUMAR      | 01/01/2000 |
|    4 |  543250 | N VIRUPAKSHAIAH     | 02/01/2000 |
|    5 |  610019 | ANAND S GUNDI       | 15/01/2000 |
|    6 |  535035 | ADAM BASHA          | 27/01/2000 |
|    7 |  625893 | A N MOHAN KUMAR     | 06/02/2000 |
|    8 |  547830 | RAJENDRA NAIK       | 07/02/2000 |
|    9 |  698742 | S M SUSHMA          | 19/02/2000 |
|   10 |  655542 | B JAYACHANDRA       | 24/02/2000 |
|   11 |  624769 | B HANUMANTHAPPA     | 25/02/2000 |

It would be better if it is possible using php. Please help.



This is possible. The main difficulty is the variable nature of the string lengths, which will typically cause the output data to be difficult to read.

To address this, I suggest that you:

  • Find the maximum string length in each column
  • Output Headers with top and lower borders, with header names padded to be same width as maximum cell width
  • Output each row with the cells padded to the target column width.

Code Sample

I'm not able to unit-test the code shown below at present, but it should be ok; post a comment if you have any trouble.


// Open connection
$mysqli = new mysqli("db_host", "db_user", "db_password", "db_schema");

// Check that connection succeeded
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error);

// Prepare query
$query = "SELECT * FROM `myTable`";

// Fetch results as associative array
$resultSet = [];
if ($result = $mysqli->query($query)) {

    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $resultSet[] = $row;

    // Free result set

    // Close Connection to DB
} else {

  // Close Connection to DB and print error message
  die('An error occurred when executing SQL, please check your SQL query.');

// If results empty, output error
if (count($resultSet)<1) {
  die('<pre>----NO DATA----'+"\n\n"+'Please revise your query</pre>');

// Get column names
$keys = array_keys($resultSet[0]);

// Iterate over column names, get starting widths
$maxLength = [];
foreach ($keys as $column) {
  $maxLength[$column] = mb_strlen($column);

// Iterate over result-set, get maximum string length for each column
foreach ($resultSet as $row) {
  foreach ($keys as $column) {

    // If current cell length is greater than column width, increase column width
    if (mb_strlen($row[$column]) > $maxLength[$column]) {
      $maxLength[$column] = mb_strlen($row[$column]);


echo '<pre>';

// Output top border
echo '+';
foreach ($keys as $column) {
  echo str_repeat('-', $maxLength[$column]+2);
  echo '+';
echo "\n";

// Output header
echo '| ';
foreach ($keys as $column) {
  echo $column.str_repeat(' ', $maxLength[$column] - mb_strlen($column));
  echo ' | ';
echo "\n";

// Output bottom border
echo '+';
foreach ($keys as $column) {
  echo str_repeat('-', $maxLength[$column]+2);
  echo '+';
echo "\n";

// Output all rows
foreach ($resultSet as $row) {
  echo '| ';
  foreach ($keys as $column) {
    echo $row[$column].str_repeat(' ', $maxLength[$column] - mb_strlen($row[$column]));
    echo ' | ';
echo "\n";

echo '</pre>';


NOTE The above code is multi-byte safe but it disregards character width; if the output contains characters of variable width then there might be slight 'kinks' in the column separators. This may be worth a revision if you encounter such problems in the display.


Edit: Looks like it's impossible without writing fancy wrapper scripts to emulate the exact MySQL shell output (such as in @PeterScott's answer). The closest you can get to this probably is dumping the output into a temporary file:

mysqli_query("select * from mytable into outfile '/tmp/mytable.out'");

and then output this file in a browser, wrapping it in PRE tags:

$output = file_get_contents('/tmp/mytable.out');
echo '<pre>'. $output .'</pre>';

No way of grabbing this data directly from MySQL console, I'm afraid.


mysql -uroot -p dbname -e 'select * from table_name' -H > dump.php

then you can visit the table content from browser :http://192.168.2.xx/dump.php

-H in mysql command line means output in HTML format.

