Installer built by Inno Setup and SPAWNWND, NOTIFYWND parameters on UAC window

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-12-29 14:10:15


What are SPAWNWND and NOTIFYWND parameters in the program path?

enter image description here


Those two parameters are used for communication between the elevated and non elevated parts of the setup for ...AsOriginalUser functionality, exit codes, etc.
You can probably find more details in the Inno source code itself.

Note that these are an implementation detail and you shouldn't rely on them or do anything with the values.


spawn() is a c-function group that executes, child processes, but not through a forking! There is spawnvl() - vl stands for "variable list" of arguments (like spawnvl(arg1, arg2, arg3,...arg n, NULL);). spawnl() I guess executes a program with fixed amount of arguments in a list. There are also spawnvle() and spawnle() - these are similar to (int argc, char **argV) - the e stands for environment, that means the argv-char array, and again they exist with variable and fixed amount list args. Linux equivalents are exec -function group.

I guess these functions (processes invoked) communicate via signals to their parents

