Does MySQL view always do full table scan?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-11-28 00:14:49

Views in MySQL are not indexed so by their very nature require a full scan each time they are accessed. Generally speaking this makes Views really only useful for situations where you have a fairly complex static query that returns a small result set and you plan to grab the entire result set every time.

Edit: Of course Views will use the indexes on the underlying tables so that the View itself is optimized (otherwise they wouldn't make any sense at all to use) but because there are no indexes on a View it is not possible for a WHERE query on the View to be optimized.

Constructing indexes for Views would be expensive anyway because while I've not tried to profile any Views, I'm fairly certain that a temp table is constructed behind the scenes and then the result set returned. It already takes plenty of time to construct the temp table, I wouldn't want a view that also tries to guess what indexes are needed. Which brings up the second point which is that MySQL does not currently offer a method to specify what indexes to use for a View so how does it know what fields need to be indexed? Does it guess based on your query?

You might consider using a Temporary Table because then you can specify indexes on fields in the temporary table. However, from experience this tends to be really, really slow.

If all this view contains is a SELECT ALL FROM table1, table2, table3; then I would have to ask why this query needs to be in a View at all? If for some reason its absolutely necessary, you might want to use a stored procedure to encapsulate the query as you'll then be able to get optimized performance while maintaining the benefit of a simpler call to the database for the result set.

I've looked deeper into it an I've missed a key point of information :( My view query actually has a union with another table. This is causing the view to use the TEMPORARY TABLE algorithm instead of the MERGE algorithm.

The TEMPORARY TABLE algorithm doesn't allow the use of indexes in the underlying tables.

This seems to be a bug in MySQL and was reported way back in 2006 but doesn't look like it has been solved in 2009!,56681,56681

Looks like i'm just going to have to re-write the query as an outer join.
