CodeLite color schemes (themes) messed up for C

十年热恋 提交于 2020-12-15 05:23:40


I recently updated CodeLite for Linux (Debian) to version 14.0. I use CodeLite mostly for C and looks like the IDE messed up the color themes. Here I have before (CodeLite 13.0) & after (CodeLite 14.0) screenshots.

Upon further "investigation" I found that it is not possible to set up a color theme exclusively for C (as it is for java, perl and basically any other language) but the C++ theme is the default for *.c files.

That prevents me form changing which keywords I want in which color because the IDE interprets almost all of C words (function signatures, fields, variables, constants, custom types...) as type 'identifier' and assigns the same color to all of them.

If I change the color of the word type 'identifier', this happens. As you can see, it's almost as coding in a plain text editor (actually mousepad has more color diversity than CodeLite 14.0).

This happens with every theme I've tried and with some other languages too. I don't know if it's a bug or if there is some way of bringing back the themes to work in v14.0. I would also appreciate some advice at installing the older CodeLite version 13.0 while this "bug" gets solved but this is a longer story so I've issued another question about this.

