bash logic inside command substitution

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-12-15 00:36:21


I have a little banner that I display at login

fignow() { figlet -w $(tput cols) $(date +"%b %d, Week %V"); figlet -w $(tput cols) -f univers $(date +"%H:%M"); }

This works fine if the additional fonts are installed to get univers, but that's not part of the default installation, so I can do the following:

fignow() { figlet -w $(tput cols) $(date +"%b %d, Week %V"); if [ -f /usr/share/figlet/univers.flf ]; then figlet -w $(tput cols) -f univers $(date +"%H:%M"); else figlet -w $(tput cols) $(date +"%H:%M"); fi; }

This also works fine, but I was curious if the if/else/fi could be removed and the logic could be done inside the command itself, i.e. something like:

fignow() { figlet -w $(tput cols) $(date +"%b %d, Week %V"); figlet -w $(tput cols) -f $(use-univers-or-failback-to-standard.flf-if-univers.flf-is-not-available) $(date +"%H:%M"); }

Is something like that possible?


I suggest to use figlist to avoid hardcoding the themes path:

figlet -w "$(tput cols)" -f "$((figlist | /bin/grep -hw universe) || echo "standard")" "foo"


I suggest:

fignow() {
  local opts
  figlet -w $(tput cols) $(date +"%b %d, Week %V")
  [ -f /usr/share/figlet/univers.flf ] && opts="-f univers"
  figlet -w $(tput cols) $opts $(date +"%H:%M")

Only if the file exists the variable $opts contains the necessary options.


Checking for the file or parsing the output of figlist or showfigfonts is inherently fragile. Just call figlet to see if the option is available. Something like:

fignow() {
        local font=${1-universe}
        figlet -f "$font" a > /dev/null 2>&1 || font=
        figlet -w $(tput cols) $(date +"%b %d, Week %V")
        figlet -w $(tput cols) ${font:+-f "$font"} $(date +"%H:%M")

Note that this is one of those cases where you must not use double quotes around the variable, since you want ${font:+-f "$font"} to expand to the empty string when $font is empty. If you use "${font:+-f "$font"}", the semantics change and an empty string is passed to figlet.

