How to BubbleSort an array in descending order?

点点圈 提交于 2020-12-14 23:36:13


private static double[] BubbleSortAscending(double[] numberArray)
    int arrayLength = numberArray.Length;

    for(int i = 0; i < arrayLength - 1; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < arrayLength - 1 - i; j++)
            if(numberArray[j] > numberArray[j + 1])
                double num = numberArray[j];
                numberArray[j] = numberArray[j + 1];
                numberArray[j + 1] = num;
    return numberArray;

Hello, in the code above I have managed to make it so that it sorts an array in ascending order, however I am fully stuck and stumped on how to edit or change it to make it sort in descending order? Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you.


All you have to do if you want to reverse sorting (in descending instead of ascemding order) is to reverse the condition: < instead of >:

   if(numberArray[j] < numberArray[j + 1])

