MVC Database call in partial view

感情迁移 提交于 2020-12-13 18:34:17


I would like to make a database call in a partial view in MVC. I am not sure how to actually go about that. I am trying to get an instance of the repository so I can make a couple calls to the DB to build some info on the page. Not sure if I am even close but does anyone have any ideas ?

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>

    if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
        var repos = MyMVC.Models.Repository.IRepository<UserProfile>();



Try using MvcContrib. Check out the RenderAction method. It lets you keep the data access in the controller, and the view stuff in the view, without mixing the responsibilities.

<div id="some-partial-container">
    <% Html.RenderAction<MyController>(c => c.SomeAction()); %>

Also, RenderAction will be in MVC 2, which makes me very happy. It won't support a generic implementation, though (when I last checked).

<div id="some-partial-container">
    <% Html.RenderAction("SomeAction", "MyController"); %>

Phil Haack on RenderAction:


You're attempting to violate the principals of the Model-View-Controller architecture.

The proper way to implement this would be to make a Partial View and allow your Controller to get the data...then pass it to the Partial View for rendering.

