How to Use a reCaptcha token to open a captcha prompt in a different window

我们两清 提交于 2020-12-13 04:23:46


I am Using puppeteer to automate filling out a form. although when testing it in headless: true I can easily solve the captcha there so it is no problem. The problem is the program MUST be headless so in order to solve the captcha I must bring the captcha to a separate window and solve it there. I see you can grab a Recaptcha token but I don't know how I open a Recaptcha window using that token? Almost like a captcha solving window, I don't know if you have to use a certain library?



I hope you found the answer, if not try using this it a captcha harvester like the ones in sneakers bots, when u solve each captcha a token is generated and u can use it to solve captcha I think

