Read Registry Values using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure (CimSession)

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-12-13 03:23:22


I am able to query WMI classes and registry values using System.Management and StdRegProv (for registry).

I want to move over to using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure instead of System.Management. So far With help from lot of articles on the net, I can do a CIMSession and get the WMI classes (e.g. Win32_OperatingSystem) etc. with code as below

    using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure;
    string Namespace = @"root\cimv2";
    string OSQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem";
    CimSession mySession = CimSession.Create("Computer_B");
    IEnumerable<CimInstance> queryInstance = mySession.QueryInstances(Namespace, "WQL", OSQuery);

However, reading the registry keys using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure CimSession is eluding me. Could someone pl help guide either with a working example or point me to publicly available resources which can help me accomplish this.


It's been a few months since this post was updated and there is no working code here as well as it's hard to find anything on the web that isn't abstract. Here is a class I worked on to help you with WSMAN and getting WMI and registry info.

Note: You can stop and start processes/services if you look up the methods for a class, i.e. Win32_Service/Win32_Process. Use the method GetParametersForMethod() in the code below to find out what methods each class has.

To get registry data Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure you'll need to use the InvokeMethod method from the CimSession class.

To use the class below do the following:

string ComputerName = "SomeComputer";
string UserID = "SomeUser";
string Domain = "SomeDomain";
string Passwd = "SomePasswd";

WSManHelper WSMH = new WSManHelper(ComputerName, 
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Options.PasswordAuthenticationMechanism.Kerberos, Domain, UserID, Passwd);
if (WSMH.Connected)
     // check out the data 
     foreach (string DisplayName in WSMH.RegSoftwareUninstall)

Create new Class with the following:

using System;
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Options;
using System.Security;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;

namespace WSManApp
    public class WSManHelper
        private CimCredential Credentials { get; set; }
        public WSManSessionOptions SessionOptions { get; set; }
        public CimSession SystemSession { get; set; }
        public bool Connected { get; private set; }
        public CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem { get; set; } // Only single instance of Win32_OperatingSystem
        public List<CimInstance> Win32_Service { get; set; }
        public List<string> RegSoftwareUninstall { get; set; }
        public string WMINameSpace = @"root\cimv2";
        public string RegistryNameSpace = @"root\default";
        public string RegistryClassName = "StdRegProv";

        public WSManHelper(string ComputerName, PasswordAuthenticationMechanism AuthType, string Domain, string UserName, string Password, uint Port = 5985)
            SecureString securepassword = new SecureString();
            foreach (char c in Password)
            ClassSetup(ComputerName, AuthType, Domain, UserName, securepassword, Port);

        public WSManHelper(string ComputerName, PasswordAuthenticationMechanism AuthType, string Domain, string UserName, SecureString Password, uint Port = 5985)
            ClassSetup(ComputerName, AuthType, Domain, UserName, Password, Port);

        private void ClassSetup(string ComputerName, PasswordAuthenticationMechanism AuthType, string Domain, string UserName, SecureString Password, uint Port)
            if (AuthType == PasswordAuthenticationMechanism.Default)
                AuthType = PasswordAuthenticationMechanism.Kerberos;
            Credentials = new CimCredential(AuthType, Domain, UserName, Password);
            SessionOptions = new WSManSessionOptions() { DestinationPort = Port };
            SystemSession = CimSession.Create(ComputerName, SessionOptions);
            Connected = SystemSession.TestConnection(out CimInstance TmpInstance, out CimException TmpExeption);

        public void GetWMIDataFromSystem()
            Win32_OperatingSystem = GetOperatingSystemInstance();
            Win32_Service = GetServiceList();

        public CimInstance GetOperatingSystemInstance()
            return GetClassInstancData(WMINameSpace, "Win32_OperatingSystem");
            // for the Operating system there is only one instance so it can be referenced by setting the index to 0 for the collection.

        public List<CimInstance> GetServiceList()
            // Win32_Service
            return GetClassListData(WMINameSpace, "Win32_Service");

        private CimInstance GetClassInstancData(string NameSpace, string ClassName)
            // default query, i.e. select * from Win32_Service or select * from Win32_ComputerSystem
            return GetClassListData(NameSpace, ClassName)[0];

        private CimInstance GetClassInstancData(string NameSpace, string ClassName, string Query)
            // used for custom query
            return GetClassListData(NameSpace, ClassName, Query)[0];

        private List<CimInstance> GetClassListData(string NameSpace, string ClassName)
            return GetClassListData(NameSpace, ClassName, "SELECT * FROM " + ClassName);

        private List<CimInstance> GetClassListData(string NameSpace, string ClassName, string Query)
            List<CimInstance> cimInstances = new List<CimInstance>();
                cimInstances = SystemSession.QueryInstances(NameSpace, "WQL", Query).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                string ErrorMsg = ex.Message;
                // Log error :ex.Message "Error while running method GetClassListData"
            return cimInstances;

        public void EnumerateBaseSoftwareKeys()
            string SubKey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall";
            CimMethodResult CimMR = SystemSession.InvokeMethod(new CimInstance(RegistryClassName, RegistryNameSpace), "EnumKey", SetRegParameters(RegHives.LOCAL_MACHINE, RegistryMethods.EnumKey, SubKey));
            string[] RegSubKeyArray = (string[])CimMR.OutParameters["sNames"].Value;
            if (RegSubKeyArray != null)
                CheckForRegSoftware(SubKey, RegSubKeyArray);

        private void CheckForRegSoftware(string SubKey, string[] RegSubKeyArray)
            foreach (var item in RegSubKeyArray)
                string TmpSubKey = SubKey + @"\" + item;
                CimMethodResult SoftwareData = SystemSession.InvokeMethod(new CimInstance(RegistryClassName, RegistryNameSpace), "EnumValues", SetRegParameters(RegHives.LOCAL_MACHINE, RegistryMethods.EnumValues, TmpSubKey));
                string[] SoftWareDataFields = (string[])SoftwareData.OutParameters["sNames"].Value;
                if (SoftWareDataFields != null)
                    string DisplayName = "";
                    string DisplayVersion = "";
                    foreach (var DataField in SoftWareDataFields)
                        if (DataField == "DisplayName")
                            CimMethodResult NameResults = SystemSession.InvokeMethod(new CimInstance(RegistryClassName, RegistryNameSpace), "GetStringValue", SetRegParameters(RegHives.LOCAL_MACHINE, RegistryMethods.GetStringValue, TmpSubKey, "DisplayName"));
                            DisplayName = NameResults.OutParameters["sValue"].Value.ToString();
                        if (DataField == "DisplayVersion")
                            CimMethodResult VersionResults = SystemSession.InvokeMethod(new CimInstance(RegistryClassName, RegistryNameSpace), "GetStringValue", SetRegParameters(RegHives.LOCAL_MACHINE, RegistryMethods.GetStringValue, TmpSubKey, "DisplayVersion"));
                            DisplayVersion = VersionResults.OutParameters["sValue"].Value.ToString();

        private CimMethodParametersCollection SetRegParameters(RegHives RegistryHive, RegistryMethods RegMethod, string SubKeyPath, string AttributeName = "", string Value = "")
            string StrRegMethod = Enum.GetName(typeof(RegistryMethods), RegMethod);
            CimMethodParametersCollection CimParams = GetParametersForMethod(RegistryNameSpace, RegistryClassName, StrRegMethod);
            CimParams["hDefKey"].Value = GetHiveValueFromString(RegistryHive);
            CimParams["sSubKeyName"].Value = SubKeyPath;
            if (StrRegMethod != "CreateKey" && StrRegMethod != "DeletKey" && StrRegMethod != "EnumKey" && StrRegMethod != "EnumValues" && StrRegMethod != "GetSecurityDescriptor")
                if (StrRegMethod != "CheckAccess" && StrRegMethod != "SetSecurityDescriptor")
                    CimParams["sValueName"].Value = AttributeName;
                    if (StrRegMethod == "SetStringValue" || StrRegMethod == "SetMultiStringValue" || StrRegMethod == "SetExpandedStringValue")
                        CimParams["sValue"].Value = Value;
                    else if (StrRegMethod == "SetDWORDValue" || StrRegMethod == "SetQWORDValue" || StrRegMethod == "SetBinaryValue")
                        CimParams["uValue"].Value = Value;
                else if (StrRegMethod == "CheckAccess")
                    CimParams["uRequired"].Value = Value;
                else if (StrRegMethod == "SetSecurityDescriptor")
                    CimParams["Descriptor"].Value = Value;
            return CimParams;

        public CimMethodParametersCollection GetParametersForMethod(string NameSpace, string ClassName, string MethodName)
            // Returns all In parameters for a given method.  Note: Out parameters are not output as this will result in errors when a query is run.  
            CimMethodParametersCollection CimParams = new CimMethodParametersCollection();
            CimClass cimClass = SystemSession.GetClass(NameSpace, ClassName);
            foreach (CimMethodDeclaration CimMDItem in cimClass.CimClassMethods)
                if (CimMDItem.Name == MethodName)
                    foreach (var ParaItem in CimMDItem.Parameters)
                        bool isInParam = false;
                        foreach (var Qitem in ParaItem.Qualifiers)
                            if (Qitem.Name.ToLower() == "in")
                                isInParam = true;
                        if (isInParam)
                            CimParams.Add(CimMethodParameter.Create(ParaItem.Name, null, ParaItem.CimType, CimFlags.In));
            return CimParams;

        private static UInt32 GetHiveValueFromString(RegHives RegistryHive)
            //HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = 2147483648 or 0x80000000
            //HKEY_CURRENT_USER = 2147483649 or 0x80000001
            //HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 2147483650 or 0x80000002
            //HKEY_USERS = 2147483651 or 0x80000003
            //HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = 2147483653 or 0x80000005
            UInt32 TmpRegHive = 0;
            if (RegistryHive == RegHives.CLASSES_ROOT)
                TmpRegHive = 2147483648;
            else if (RegistryHive == RegHives.CURRENT_USER)
                TmpRegHive = 2147483649;
            else if (RegistryHive == RegHives.LOCAL_MACHINE)
                TmpRegHive = 2147483650;
            else if (RegistryHive == RegHives.USERS)
                TmpRegHive = 2147483651;
            else if (RegistryHive == RegHives.CURRENT_CONFIG)
                TmpRegHive = 2147483653;
            return TmpRegHive;


    public enum RegistryMethods
        CreateKey = 0,
        DeletKey = 1,
        EnumKey = 2,
        EnumValues = 3,
        GetStringValue = 4,


    public enum RegHives
           CLASSES_ROOT = 0,
           CURRENT_USER = 1,
           LOCAL_MACHINE = 2, 
           USERS = 3,
           CURRENT_CONFIG = 5



You can use ORMi ( library instead. It is pretty easy to accomplish what you are trying:

WMIHelper helper = new WMIHelper("root\\CimV2");
var devices = helper.Query("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");

You can find more information on the repository page. You can return strongly typed objects.

