Difference between BinaryWriter and BinaryFormatter.Serialize?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-12-05 08:25:12


I'm new to object serialization, and in the course of my learning how to read from and write to a file (deserialize and serialize) using BinaryFormatter, I came across BinaryReader and BinaryWriter, which seemed to be doing the same thing.

Is there some subtle difference between BinaryFormatter.Serialize() and BinaryWriter? Or is BinaryWriter just a more compact way performing the the same action as BinaryFormatter.Serialize()?


BinaryWriter is used to write primitive types in binary to a stream and supports writing strings in a specific encoding. BinaryFromatter is responsible for serializing an entire object or graph of connected objects into binary format. So, I suppose you can say BinaryWriter is a much more elementary form of something like BinaryFormatter.

I got this information here: BinaryWriter & BinaryFormatter


BinaryWriter and BinaryFormatter are two different thing.

BinaryFormatter is used for serialization. It helps you to map a C# object to a binary representation which you can write to a file, a network stream etc.

But BinaryWriter does not help you map the C# object to binary data. It just gives you the ability to write binary data (as the name implies). So you give it primitive types like an int, it converts it into binary and write it. After writing when you need reading it you have to use a BinaryReader and you must know somehow that you have to read an int. So you have to serialize your data somehow yourself.

You can say BinaryFormatter uses BinaryWriter to be able to write binary data but it does a lot of other jobs to automatically serialize and deserialize your object.

