prevent multiple login in core 2

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-11-29 23:46:51


Good day,

How do i validate security stamp to prevent multiple login from single user in Asp.Net Core 2 as there's no SecurityStampValidationInterval in IdentityOption.

Thanks in advance.


I have used Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.IMemoryCache to implement the same. (Stored the usernames in cache)

At the time of login (we can do this before validating the password) Step 1: Use Memory Cache as DI to the controller.

private IMemoryCache SiteCache = null;

public LoginHelper(IMemoryCache Cache)
  SiteCache = Cache; 

Step 2:

In your login validation, run this check, if the user already exists in cache.

private bool VerifyDuplicateLogin(string UserName, bool InsertKey)
    String sKey = UserName.ToLower();
    String sUser = Convert.ToString(SiteCache.Get<string>(sKey));

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUser))
        if (InsertKey)
            string cookieTimeout = appSettingsData.LoginCookieTimeout;
            int timeout = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookieTimeout)) ? 3 : int.Parse(cookieTimeout); 

            int sessionTimeOut = 5; // HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout;

            sUser = string.Format("{0}^^^{1}", sKey, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(sessionTimeOut).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

            // No Cache item, so session is either expired or user is new sign-on,  Set the cache item and Session hit-test for this user
            TimeSpan SlidingTimeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, timeout, 0, 0); //(HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout / 2) 

            MemoryCacheEntryOptions cacheOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions
                AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = SlidingTimeOut
            SiteCache.Set(sKey, sUser, cacheOptions); //OnCachedItemRemoved

            session.LoggedInUser = sKey;

        //Let them in - redirect to main page, etc. 
        return false;
        // cache item exists, means... "User already in" 
        return true;

Step 3: Use the following method at the time of log out to remove the username from cache

public void RemoveLogin(string userName)
    //Clear the cache
    if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) && SiteCache != null)
        String sUser = Convert.ToString(SiteCache.Get<string>(userName));
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUser))
            session.LoggedInUser = "";

Since I used the Memory cache, whenever the server reset, along with the application, user cache also gets reset and we can get a quick response.

We can implement the same using Database to store the logged users in a temporarily and with the similar logic, but I felt this approach is little quicker and smother though.

One drawback with this approach is, if the user closes the browser and wish to log back immediately, he will get a response as user already logged in (means he gets locked until the cache key expires. (We have to be careful while we set expire timeout)


