How to init content of notebooks / working directory in Jupyterhub/Jupyterlab?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-11-29 03:51:29


If I create a new user in JupyterHub I want that the working directory of the corresponding JupyterLab instance is initialized with some getting started examples:

I already installed the git extension for Jupyterlab. Is there a way to automatically clone a git repository for new users?

Here is the doc on Spawners:

I could find a hint on workspace initialization.


The Spawner provides some hook functions in the configuration file And its possible to get the current user name from within the hook function.

import subprocess

def git(*args):
    return subprocess.check_call(['git'] + list(args))
def init_working_directory(spawner):
    username =
    git_source = 'https://$user:$'
    target_folder = '/home/' + username + '/GettingStarted'
    git('clone', git_source, target_folder)
c.Spawner.pre_spawn_hook = init_working_directory

There are a few issues left:

a) The git clone command only works the first time, when the folder /home/username/GettingStarted does not yet exist.

b) There is no progress bar shown during the delayed log and the git clone command takes a while.

c) Git password might be shown in error messages/console.

Therefore, I will initially do the git clone when creating my Docker container and only perform a local copy in pre_spawn_hook if the GettingStarted folder does not yet exist.

