OpenDRIVE 1.6 参考线采样方法

北城余情 提交于 2020-09-27 11:46:47

前段时间在看OpenDRIVE文档,做相关的建模。现整理一下参考线(Reference Line)的采样方式,考虑采样出来的每个点都记录一些辅助信息。

前言 Foreword

本文根据OpenDRIVE 1.6 第6章Coordinate Systems以及第7章Geometry编写。

坐标系 Coordinate Systems

关于坐标系,OpenDRIVE 1.6版本并没有改动,很多讲OpenDRIVE的文章也讲得很详细,这里不细讲。

OpenDRIVE的坐标系分为惯性系(xyz)、参考线系(sth)、局部系(uvz),均为右手系,如Figure 5。
Figure 5. available coordinate systems in OpenDRIVEFigure 5. available coordinate systems in OpenDRIVE

坐标系的关系可由Figure 6反映。局部系的原点一般为上下文中参考线系的原点,即局部系 u = 0 , v = 0 u=0,v=0 u=0,v=0处,参考线系 s = 0 , t = 0 s=0,t=0 s=0,t=0
Figure 6. Coordinate systems in OpenDRIVE interacting with another
Figure 6. Coordinate systems in OpenDRIVE interacting with another

坐标系的旋转如Figure 7, Figure 10所示。
Figure 7. Inertial coordinate system with defined rotations
Figure 7. Inertial coordinate system with defined rotations

Figure 10. Reference line system with defined rotations
Figure 10. Reference line system with defined rotations

从Figure 9可以看出,道路上每个位置的参考线坐标系的 s s s方向沿着参考线切线方向,所以参考系的坐标基可能处处不相等。
Figure 9. Reference line coordinate system
Figure 9. Reference line coordinate system


参考线几何描述 Geometry

OpenDRIVE使用的参考线类型如Figure 19所示(三次曲线cubic polynomials在1.6版本已经弃用)。
Figure 19. Geometry elements in OpenDRIVE
Figure 19. Geometry elements in OpenDRIVE

几何体的数据结构如Figure 21所示。
Figure 21. UML model Road Geometry including the Reference Line elements
Figure 21. UML model Road Geometry including the Reference Line elements

采样时,我们希望记录每个点的惯性系xyz坐标、参考线系sth坐标(在进行后续Elevation, Superelevation, Shape等变换之前,总有 t = 0 , h = 0 t=0, h=0 t=0,h=0)、参考线系的坐标基在惯性系中的表示。即: V ( s ) = { p ⃗ = ( x , y , z ) , q ⃗ = ( s , t , h ) , e s ⃗ , e t ⃗ , e h ⃗ , κ } . \mathbf{V}(s)=\{\vec{p}=(x,y,z),\vec{q}=(s,t,h),\vec{e_s},\vec{e_t},\vec{e_h},\kappa\}. V(s)={p =(x,y,z),q =(s,t,h),es ,et ,eh ,κ}.

直线 Line

Figure 22. A straight line
Figure 22. A straight line


参考线坐标系 e s ⃗ , e t ⃗ , e h ⃗ \vec{e_s}, \vec{e_t}, \vec{e_h} es ,et ,eh

参考线坐标基可以通过 h d g hdg hdg属性求出:
e s ⃗ = R h d g ∗ e x ⃗ , \vec{e_s}=R_{hdg}*\vec{e_x}, es =Rhdgex , e t ⃗ = R h d g ∗ e y ⃗ , \vec{e_t}=R_{hdg}*\vec{e_y}, et =Rhdgey , e h ⃗ = e z ⃗ , \vec{e_h}=\vec{e_z}, eh =ez ,其中 R h d g = [ c o s ( h d g ) − s i n ( h d g ) 0 s i n ( h d g ) c o s ( h d g ) 0 0 0 1 ] . R_{hdg}=\begin{bmatrix} cos(hdg) & -sin(hdg) & 0 \\ sin(hdg) & cos(hdg) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}. Rhdg=cos(hdg)sin(hdg)0sin(hdg)cos(hdg)0001.

曲率 κ \kappa κ

由于直线上处处有曲率 κ = 0 \kappa=0 κ=0,所以参考线坐标系处处相同。

位置 p ⃗ \vec{p} p

对于每个 s s s对应的采样点,下一个采样点 s + Δ s s+\Delta s s+Δs的位置可以通过下式求得:
p ⃗ ( s + Δ s ) = p ⃗ ( s ) + Δ s ∗ e s ⃗ \vec{p}(s+\Delta s)=\vec{p}(s)+\Delta s*\vec{e_s} p (s+Δs)=p (s)+Δses

欧拉螺旋线 & 弧线 Sipral & Arc




Figure 23. Road geometry described by a spiral
Figure 23. Road geometry described by a spiral

<geometry s="100.0" x="38.00" y="-1.81" hdg="0.33" length="30.00">
  <spiral curvStart="0.0" curvEnd="0.013"/>

Figure 24. Road geometry described by an arc
Figure 24. Road geometry described by an arc

	  <arc curvature="-1.2698412698412698e-01"/>

Figure 25. Creating a reference line from geometry elements
Figure 25. Creating a reference line from geometry elements

曲率 κ \kappa κ

参考线的初始坐标基通过 h d g hdg hdg属性求出:
e s ⃗ ( s s t a r t ) = R h d g ∗ e x ⃗ , \vec{e_s}(s_{start})=R_{hdg}*\vec{e_x}, es (sstart)=Rhdgex , e t ⃗ ( s s t a r t ) = R h d g ∗ e y ⃗ , \vec{e_t}(s_{start})=R_{hdg}*\vec{e_y}, et (sstart)=Rhdgey , e h ⃗ ( s s t a r t ) = e z ⃗ , \vec{e_h}(s_{start})=\vec{e_z}, eh (sstart)=ez ,其中 R h d g = [ c o s ( h d g ) − s i n ( h d g ) 0 s i n ( h d g ) c o s ( h d g ) 0 0 0 1 ] R_{hdg}=\begin{bmatrix} cos(hdg) & -sin(hdg) & 0 \\ sin(hdg) & cos(hdg) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} Rhdg=cos(hdg)sin(hdg)0sin(hdg)cos(hdg)0001

曲线上每个点的曲率 κ \kappa κ s s s坐标线性相关,有
κ ( s ) = c u r v S t a r t + c u r v E n d − c u r v S t a r t l e n g t h ∗ ( s − s s t a r t ) , \kappa(s)=curvStart+\frac{curvEnd-curvStart}{length}*(s-s_{start}), κ(s)=curvStart+lengthcurvEndcurvStart(ssstart),其中 l e n g t h length length为曲线终点与起点的 s s s值之差(在三次曲线中 s s s并非等于长度)。

参考线坐标系 e s ⃗ , e t ⃗ , e h ⃗ \vec{e_s},\vec{e_t},\vec{e_h} es ,et ,eh

又有每个点的曲率中心 c ⃗ ( s ) \vec{c}(s) c (s) x x x坐标轴夹角为 θ ( s ) \theta(s) θ(s),满足关系 d θ ( s ) = κ ( s ) ∗ d s , d\theta(s)=\kappa(s)*ds, dθ(s)=κ(s)ds,因为螺旋线中 κ = O ( s ) \kappa=O(s) κ=O(s)为一阶关系,所以积分后得到关系: Δ θ ( s ) = κ ( s ) + κ ( s + Δ s ) 2 ∗ Δ s \Delta \theta(s)=\frac{\kappa(s)+\kappa(s+\Delta s)}{2}*\Delta s Δθ(s)=2κ(s)+κ(s+Δs)Δs所以 Δ θ ( s ) \Delta \theta(s) Δθ(s) s s s也呈线性关系: Δ θ ( s ) = c u r v S t a r t ∗ Δ s + c u r v E n d − c u r v S t a r t l e n g t h ∗ Δ s ∗ ( s + Δ s 2 − s s t a r t ) . \Delta \theta(s)=curvStart*\Delta s+\frac{curvEnd-curvStart}{length}*\Delta s*(s+\frac{\Delta s}{2}-s_{start}). Δθ(s)=curvStartΔs+lengthcurvEndcurvStartΔs(s+2Δssstart).


已知 τ ⃗ ( s ) \vec\tau(s) τ (s),则 τ ⃗ ( s + Δ s ) = R Δ θ ( s ) ∗ τ ⃗ ( s ) \vec\tau(s+\Delta s)=R_{\Delta \theta(s)}*\vec\tau(s) τ (s+Δs)=RΔθ(s)τ (s).
可以看到,当 Δ θ ( s ) = 0 \Delta \theta(s)=0 Δθ(s)=0时, τ ⃗ ( s + Δ s ) = τ ⃗ ( s ) \vec\tau(s+\Delta s)=\vec\tau(s) τ (s+Δs)=τ (s),与直线的结论相同。

之后可以求整个参考线坐标系的基: e s ⃗ ( s ) = τ ⃗ ( s ) \vec{e_s}(s)=\vec\tau(s) es (s)=τ (s) e t ⃗ = R ⊥ ∗ e s ⃗ \vec{e_t}=R_\perp*\vec{e_s} et =Res e h ⃗ = e s ⃗ × e t ⃗ \vec{e_h}=\vec{e_s}\times\vec{e_t} eh =es ×et
其中 R ⊥ = [ 0 − 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ] R_\perp=\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} R=010100001

位置 p ⃗ \vec{p} p

如果 Δ θ ( s ) = 0 \Delta \theta(s)=0 Δθ(s)=0,则对于每个 s s s对应的采样点,使用直线的采样方案:
p ⃗ ( s + Δ s ) = p ⃗ ( s ) + Δ s ∗ e s ⃗ \vec{p}(s+\Delta s)=\vec{p}(s)+\Delta s*\vec{e_s} p (s+Δs)=p (s)+Δses

其余情况,考虑 r ⃗ ( s ) = − 1 κ ( s ) e t ⃗ \vec{r}(s)=-\frac{1}{\kappa(s)}\vec{e_t} r (s)=κ(s)1et ,则 p ⃗ ( s + Δ s ) = p ⃗ ( s ) − r ⃗ ( s ) + r ⃗ ( s + Δ s ) \vec{p}(s+\Delta s)=\vec{p}(s)-\vec{r}(s)+\vec{r}(s+\Delta s) p (s+Δs)=p (s)r (s)+r (s+Δs)

参数三次曲线 Parametric Cubic Curve


u ( p ) = a U + b U ∗ p + c U ∗ p 2 + d U ∗ p 3 u(p) = aU + bU*p + cU*p^2 + dU*p^3 u(p)=aU+bUp+cUp2+dUp3 v ( p ) = a V + b V ∗ p + c V ∗ p 2 + d V ∗ p 3 v(p) = aV + bV*p + cV*p^2 + dV*p^3 v(p)=aV+bVp+cVp2+dVp3该曲线还有一个 p R a n g e pRange pRange参数,定义了 p p p的取值范围是 [ 0 , 1 ] [0,1] [0,1]还是 [ 0 , l e n g t h ] [0,length] [0,length]。此时不难看出,每个点上的 s s s不再表示曲线的长度。

Figure 30. A parametric cubic polynom for interpolation of u coordinate
Figure 30. A parametric cubic polynom for interpolation of u coordinate

Figure 31. A parametric cubic polynom for interpolation of v coordinate
Figure 31. A parametric cubic polynom for interpolation of v coordinate

Figure 32. A parametric cubic polynom
Figure 32. A parametric cubic polynom


曲线上每个点的位置比较好求(已知 s s s p p p有线性关系)。

位置 p ⃗ \vec{p} p

x ( s ) = x s t a r t ( s ) + u ( s ) ∗ c o s ( h d g ) x(s)=x_{start}(s)+u(s)*cos(hdg) x(s)=xstart(s)+u(s)cos(hdg) y ( s ) = y s t a r t ( s ) + v ( s ) ∗ s i n ( h d g ) y(s)=y_{start}(s)+v(s)*sin(hdg) y(s)=ystart(s)+v(s)sin(hdg) z ( s ) = 0 z(s)=0 z(s)=0

参考线坐标系 e s ⃗ , e t ⃗ , e h ⃗ \vec{e_s},\vec{e_t},\vec{e_h} es ,et ,eh

e s ⃗ = R h d g ∗ τ ⃗ ( s ) \vec{e_s}=R_{hdg}*\vec{\tau}(s) es =Rhdgτ (s)其中 τ ⃗ ( s ) = n o r m a l i z e d ( t u , t v , 0 ) \vec{\tau}(s)=normalized(t_u,t_v,0) τ (s)=normalized(tu,tv,0),以下考虑多种情况:

一般来说, n o r m a l i z e d ( t u , t v , 0 ) = n o r m a l i z e d ( d u d p , d v d p , 0 ) normalized(t_u,t_v,0)=normalized(\frac{du}{dp} ,\frac{dv}{dp} ,0) normalized(tu,tv,0)=normalized(dpdu,dpdv,0)
t u ( s ) = d u d p = b U + 2 ∗ c U ∗ p + 3 ∗ d U ∗ p 2 t_u(s)=\frac{du}{dp}=bU+2*cU*p+3*dU*p^2 tu(s)=dpdu=bU+2cUp+3dUp2 t v ( s ) = d v d p = b V + 2 ∗ c V ∗ p + 3 ∗ d V ∗ p 2 t_v(s)=\frac{dv}{dp}=bV+2*cV*p+3*dV*p^2 tv(s)=dpdv=bV+2cVp+3dVp2但可能存在 d u d p = 0 , d v d p = 0 \frac{du}{dp}=0,\frac{dv}{dp}=0 dpdu=0,dpdv=0的情况,此时(通过洛必达法则可以求出):
t u ( s ) = d 2 u d p 2 = 2 ∗ c U + 6 ∗ d U ∗ p t_u(s)=\frac{d^2u}{dp^2}=2*cU+6*dU*p tu(s)=dp2d2u=2cU+6dUp t v ( s ) = d 2 v d p 2 = 2 ∗ c V + 6 ∗ d V ∗ p t_v(s)=\frac{d^2v}{dp^2}=2*cV+6*dV*p tv(s)=dp2d2v=2cV+6dVp同样,可能存在 d 2 u d p 2 = 0 , d 2 v d p 2 = 0 \frac{d^2u}{dp^2}=0,\frac{d^2v}{dp^2}=0 dp2d2u=0,dp2d2v=0的情况,此时(通过洛必达法则可以求出):
t u ( s ) = d 3 u d p 3 = 6 ∗ d U t_u(s)=\frac{d^3u}{dp^3}=6*dU tu(s)=dp3d3u=6dU t v ( s ) = d 3 v d p 3 = 6 ∗ d V t_v(s)=\frac{d^3v}{dp^3}=6*dV tv(s)=dp3d3v=6dV此时若再有 d 3 u d p 3 = 0 , d 3 v d p 3 = 0 \frac{d^3u}{dp^3}=0,\frac{d^3v}{dp^3}=0 dp3d3u=0,dp3d3v=0的情况,不难证明曲线定义非法。

求出 e s ⃗ \vec{e_s} es 后,不难求出 e t ⃗ = R ⊥ ∗ e s ⃗ \vec{e_t}=R_\perp*\vec{e_s} et =Res , e h ⃗ = e s ⃗ × e t ⃗ \vec{e_h}=\vec{e_s}\times\vec{e_t} eh =es ×et
其中 R ⊥ = [ 0 − 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ] R_\perp=\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} R=010100001

曲率 κ \kappa κ

使用参数方程曲率公式求出曲率: κ ( s ) = u ′ ( p ) ∗ v ′ ′ ( p ) − v ′ ( p ) ∗ u ′ ′ ( p ) ( u ′ ( p ) 2 + v ′ ( p ) 2 ) 1.5 \kappa(s)=\frac{u'(p)*v''(p)-v'(p)*u''(p)}{(u'(p)^2+v'(p)^2)^{1.5}} κ(s)=(u(p)2+v(p)2)1.5u(p)v(p)v(p)u(p) u ′ ( p ) 2 + v ′ ( p ) 2 = 0 u'(p)^2+v'(p)^2=0 u(p)2+v(p)2=0时曲率为0(由洛必达法则可证).
