Display the discount percentage on the sale badge in Woocommerce 3

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-08-27 07:08:44


This works for simple products but gives me two errors for variable products. In the sale flash on the archive I get NAN% with error "A non-numeric value encountered".

My code:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_sale_flash', 'add_percentage_to_sale_bubble' );
function add_percentage_to_sale_bubble( $html ) {
    global $product;
    $percentage = round( ( ( $product->regular_price - $product->sale_price ) / $product->regular_price ) * 100 );
    $output ='<span class="onsale">SALE<br>-'.$percentage.'%</span>';
    return $output;

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Any help is highly appreciated.


The code you are using is outdated since Woocommerce 3. Try the following instead, that handle variable products too:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_sale_flash', 'add_percentage_to_sale_badge', 20, 3 );
function add_percentage_to_sale_badge( $html, $post, $product ) {
    if( $product->is_type('variable')){
        $percentages = array();

        // Get all variation prices
        $prices = $product->get_variation_prices();

        // Loop through variation prices
        foreach( $prices['price'] as $key => $price ){
            // Only on sale variations
            if( $prices['regular_price'][$key] !== $price ){
                // Calculate and set in the array the percentage for each variation on sale
                $percentages[] = round(100 - ($prices['sale_price'][$key] / $prices['regular_price'][$key] * 100));
        // We keep the highest value
        $percentage = max($percentages) . '%';
    } else {
        $regular_price = (float) $product->get_regular_price();
        $sale_price    = (float) $product->get_sale_price();

        $percentage    = round(100 - ($sale_price / $regular_price * 100)) . '%';
    return '<span class="onsale">' . esc_html__( 'SALE', 'woocommerce' ) . ' ' . $percentage . '</span>';

Code goes in function.php file of the active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works.

