“maven.compiler.release” as an replacement for source and target?

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-08-26 07:07:10


I have two questions about maven.compiler.release-tag

I want to replace




If I use <maven.compiler.release>-property, do I have to set the release tag also in the plugin?

        <!-- do I need that ? -->

According to https://www.baeldung.com/maven-java-version, it is set to both.

If I use maven.compiler.release instead of maven.compiler.source and maven.compiler.target, then -bootclasspath is also set and will do a cross-compile. What does this mean? Will the compilation file sizes with set -bootclasspath be bigger or will the compilation need more time?


Simply the property <maven.compiler.release>12</maven.compiler.release> is sufficient. And you don't need to set also the configuration for maven-compiler-plugin. The configuration for release tag is automatically picked up. The bootclasspath part is automatically done by using the --release option. The size of files is not related to that...

So simple suggestions use release part for JDK9+ otherwise source/target...

