Joining Two Datasets with Predicate Pushdown

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-08-25 04:04:09


I have a Dataset that i created from a RDD and try to join it with another Dataset which is created from my Phoenix Table:

val dfToJoin = sparkSession.createDataset(rddToJoin)
val tableDf = sparkSession
  .option("table", "table")
  .option("zkURL", "localhost")
val joinedDf = dfToJoin.join(tableDf, "columnToJoinOn")

When i execute it, it seems that the whole database table is loaded to do the join.

Is there a way to do such a join so that the filtering is done on the database instead of in spark?

Also: dfToJoin is smaller than the table, i do not know if this is important.

Edit: Basically i want to join my Phoenix table with an Dataset created through spark, without fetching the whole table into the executor.

Edit2: Here is the physical plan:

         WINDOW_NUMBER#24, uniqueIdentifier#5, readLength#6]
 +- *SortMergeJoin [FEATURE#21], [feature#4], Inner
     :- *Sort [FEATURE#21 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
     :  +- Exchange hashpartitioning(FEATURE#21, 200)
     :     +- *Filter isnotnull(FEATURE#21)
     :        +- *Scan PhoenixRelation(FEATURES,localhost,false) 

    PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(FEATURE)], ReadSchema: 

   +- *Sort [feature#4 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
  +- Exchange hashpartitioning(feature#4, 200)
     +- *Filter isnotnull(feature#4)
        +- *SerializeFromObject [assertnotnull(input[0, utils.CaseClasses$QueryFeature, true], top level Product input object).feature AS feature#4, staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, assertnotnull(input[0, utils.CaseClasses$QueryFeature, true], top level Product input object).uniqueIdentifier, true) AS uniqueIdentifier#5, assertnotnull(input[0, utils.CaseClasses$QueryFeature, true], top level Product input object).readLength AS readLength#6]
           +- Scan ExternalRDDScan[obj#3]

As you can see the equals-filter is not contained in the pushed-filters list, so it is obvious that no predicate pushdown is happening.


Spark will fetch the Phoenix table records to appropriate executors(not the entire table to one executor)

As the is no direct filter on Phoenix table df, we see only *Filter isnotnull(FEATURE#21) in physical plan.

As you are mentioning Phoenix table data is less when you apply filter on it. You push the filter to phoenix table on feature column by finding feature_ids in other dataset.

//This spread across workers  - fully distributed
val dfToJoin = sparkSession.createDataset(rddToJoin)

//This sits in driver - not distributed
val list_of_feature_ids = dfToJoin.dropDuplicates("feature")
  .map(r => r.getString(0))

//This spread across workers  - fully distributed
val tableDf = sparkSession
  .option("table", "table")
  .option("zkURL", "localhost")
  .filter($"FEATURE".isin(list_of_feature_ids:_*)) //added filter

//This spread across workers  - fully distributed
val joinedDf = dfToJoin.join(tableDf, "columnToJoinOn")


