Docker: How to access files from another container from a given container?

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-08-20 11:29:26


Basically I have a main directory and Books Directory (General file structure, there's more but these are the important pieces). So when I fire a request from main to booksServer, it doesn't work because the node modules are missing.

That's because the node modules are inside the docker container at a specific path: '/usr/src/app'

How can I have main.js see that books (service/container) does have the proper node packages inside this specific path?

I think I can use docker-compose, but I wanted to test it individually without docker-compose first.

**-Main Directory (Individual Service, has its own container)**
  -Initiator (Fires commands) 

**-Books Directory (Individual Service, has its own container)**
     -BooksStub.js (NEED THIS!, but it won't work because needs npm modules which is located in its container @/usr/src/app. How can I access the nodemodules that it's using?)

  -Package*.json (lock and package.json)

Inside the


    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'grpc'

Books Dockerfile

FROM node:12.14.0
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
COPY . /usr/src/app
RUN npm install
EXPOSE 30043
CMD ["node", "booksServer.js"]

Main DockerFile

FROM node:12.14.0
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
COPY . /usr/src/app
RUN npm install
CMD ["node", "main.js"]


You can create one common datavolume and attached your containers with the datavolume

Here is the step to create a datavolume,

Step 1 : docker volume create --name storageOne You can give any name instead of storageOne

Step 2 : Now you need to attach that volume with the container using docker run -ti --name=myContainer -v storageOne:/storageOne ubuntu command

Step 3 : Copy or create your required file in that datavolume

Step 4 : Now Create an another Container using docker run -ti --name=myContainer2 --volumes-from MyContainer ubuntu command

Step 5 : Restart your myStorage container

So whatever files are available in myStorage will be shareable between attached container.

May be this will help you

