Sign PowerShell script from C#

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-08-20 11:24:29


I'm looking to create a web service to sign powershell scripts for use within an intranet. Is it possible to replicate the block of encoded text at the end of a script that set-authenticodesignature creates?

The MSDN documentation seems to say no.


.NET is not your friend on this one. No support that I've been able to find - I've searched on multiple occasions

  1. This is a VB example that uses Win32 API. Could be adapted to Powershell.

  2. The blog mentions CAPICOM.SignedCode. If you already have CAPICOM installed or that is an option, I'd go with that. I personally prefer using COM over Win32 from PS.

  3. Suspect you don't want to do this, but FWIW, Mono does have support for Authenticode signing built in. I was able to cut, paste, and edit a big blob of Mono C# code a while back and get it to work on Powershell.


But you could invoke powershell from c#. Using this functionality you can easy call Set-AuthenticodeSignature from your code


Here is, how they do it

In this file you can find the signaturehelper class with the following function:

internal static Signature SignFile(SigningOption option,
                                           string fileName,
                                           X509Certificate2 certificate,
                                           string timeStampServerUrl,
                                           string hashAlgorithm)

ok, i am a little bit late now ;-)

Best Regards

