Python code generated by Insomnia GraphQL client reacts not as expected

寵の児 提交于 2020-08-10 19:19:28


I've an issue with the python code generated by Insomnia with submitting GraphQL queries to Shopify with Umlauts. When using the Insomnia client the query is executed as expected

When using the insomnia generated code with Python 3.x on Mac (tried both command line execution as well as Jupyter), the Umlaut doesn't get displayed correctly:

Here's the Python code:

import requests

url = ""

payload = "{\"query\":\"mutation($input: ProductInput!) {\\n  productUpdate(input: $input) 
{\\n    product {\\n      metafields(first: 100) {\\n        edges {\\n          node {\\n            
id\\n            namespace\\n            key\\n            value\\n          }\\n        
}\\n      }\\n    }\\n  }\\n}  \",\"variables\":{\"input\": 
details\",\"key\":\"Style\",\"value\":\"This should display a umlaut: 
headers = {
    'cookie': "_secure_admin_session_id=xxx; 
     _secure_admin_session_id_csrf=xxx; request_method=POST; 
     'x-shopify-access-token': "shppa_xxx",
     'content-type': "application/json"
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)


The response:

details","key":"Style","value":"This should display a umlaut: Ü"}},{"node": 
details","key":"Kurzbeschreibung","value":"This should display a umlaut: 

I am also including the Screenshot of Shopify displaying both cases, Python on the left, Insomnia on the right.

