How can I configure the JAX-RS base path in TomEE+?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-08-09 09:37:27


I have a WAR with some JAX-RS services, deployed into TomEE Plus. Given a service annotated with @Path("myservice"), TomEE+ publishes it to localhost:8080/mywebapp/myservice.

However, that also makes accessing a JSP at localhost:8080/mywebapp/index.jsp impossible - JAXRSInInterceptor complains that No root resource matching request path has been found, Relative Path: /index.jsp.

So I would like to configure a path prefix api to all services, which changes the myservice URL to localhost:8080/mywebapp/api/myservice. Doing so would be trivial if I had configured CXF on my own (with or without Spring), because I could simply change the URL pattern of the CXF Servlet - but I am relying on the default settings where I don't configure anything besides the annotations. So how do I do that in this case?

Note that I don't want to alter the @Path annotations to include the prefix, because that does not fix the issue with the JSP.


Create an extension of and annotate it with @ApplicationPath where value would be api in your case:

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
        final Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
        // register root resource
        return classes;

This way a Servlet 3 container would find your application and map your resource to /mywebapp/api/myservice while making your web resources (.jsp) available at /mywebapp.


TomEE trunk supports these configurations: cxf.jaxrs.staticSubresourceResolution & cxf.jaxrs.static-resources-list

but the @ApplicationPath is the more relevant solution IMO

Using -Dopenejb.webservice.old-deployment=true can help too in some cases

