How to unit test a reactive component where ngControl is decorated with @Self

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-08-08 06:13:17


I've written a reactive component by injecting the NgControl and which is decorated using the @Self decorator. My problem is related to unit testing of such component. Please look at the code below:

Disclaimer: I've quickly copied the code and made some inline changes. So, this might not be a compiler happy code.

My Reactive Component:

  selector: 'text-input',
  templateUrl: '<input type="text" class="native_input" />'
class TextInput implements ControlValueAccessor {
  protected constructor(@Self() public controlDir: NgControl) {

    this.controlDir.valueAccessor = this;

  // ...followed by other ControlValueAccessor methods


Unit Test:

describe('TextInput -', () => {

   let fixture: ComponentFixture<TextInputHost>;
   let textInput: TextInput;

   let inputElement: HTMLInputElement;

   beforeEach(async(() => {
       declarations: [
         TextInput, TextInputHost
       imports: [
         FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule

  beforeEach(fakeAsync(() => {
    fixture = getTestBed().createComponent(TextInputHost);
    textInput = fixture.componentInstance.textInputComponent;
    inputElement = fixture.debugElement

  it('Should have the initial value applied.', () => {


// Host component
  template: `
   <form [formGroup]="pageForm">
    <text-input formControlName="testInput">
class TextInputHost {
   public textInputComponent: TextInput;

   public pageForm: FormGroup = new FormGroup({
     testInput: new FormControl('Initial Value')

Whenever I try to run the above unit test. It fails with the following error: Template parse errors: No provider for NgControl --> <text-input>....</text-input>

So I'm looking for a way to successfully run the above unit test. What, I'm looking for is a way to inject the NgControl to the TextInput component.


If anybody stumbles upon this question, I solved it using the overrideComponent() method of the TestBed class.

Note: If you think you have some other answers, please feel free to answer this.

To inject the NgControl:

beforeEach(async(() => {
       declarations: [
         TextInput, TextInputHost
       imports: [
         FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule
    .overrideComponent(TextInput, {
        set: {
          providers: [
              provide: NgControl,
              useValue: new FormControlDirective([], [], null, null)


Try to add decorator @Optional before @Self in your constructor for controlDir property.

  selector: 'text-input',
  templateUrl: '<input type="text" class="native_input" />'
class TextInput implements ControlValueAccessor {
  protected constructor(
     @Optional() // <- in this place
     @Self() public controlDir: NgControl) {

    this.controlDir.valueAccessor = this;

  // ...followed by other ControlValueAccessor methods


and you can remove overrideComponent method from TestBed in your tests.
I hope it helps.

