List all the tables in a dataset in bigquery using bq CLI and store them to google cloud storage

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-08-02 05:34:28


I have around 108 tables in a dataset. I am trying to extract all those tables using the following bash script:

# get list of tables
tables=$(bq ls "$project:$dataset" | awk '{print $1}' | tail +3)

# extract into storage
for table in $tables
    bq extract --destination_format "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON" --compression "GZIP" "$project:$dataset.$table" "gs://$bucket/$dataset/$table.json.gz" 

But it seems that bq ls only show around 50 tables at once and as a result I can not extract them to cloud storage.

Is there anyway I can access all of the 108 tables using the bq ls command?


The default number of rows when listing tables that bq ls will display is 100. You can change this with the command line option --max_results or -n.

You can also set the default values for bq in $HOME/.bigqueryrc.

Adding flags to .bigqueryrc


I tried with CLI and This command worked for me:-

bq ls --max_results 1000 'project_id:dataset'

Note: --max_results number_based_on_Table_count

