cpan “Set::IntervalTree ” or “Algorithm::ExpectationMaximization” doesn't work - I explain below the complete error log

我的梦境 提交于 2020-07-31 04:33:08


Here I explain more about troubles installing some Perl libraries:

  1. trouble installing Set::IntervalTree ** I installed g++ - still the same issue ** I installed miniconda, and tried to conda the package - still having the same issue

here are the complete error logs:

** I copy part of it - as it is too long!

cpan Set::IntervalTree

Can't locate ExtUtils/ in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/lib .) at Makefile.PL line 11.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 11.
Warning: No success on command[C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL]
  C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Make had some problems, won't test
Running make install
  Make had some problems, won't install

  1. I face similar problem trying to cpan Algorithm::ExpectationMaximization
one dependency not OK (Math::GSL); additionally test harness failed
  C:\Strawberry\c\bin\dmake.EXE test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports AVIKAK/Algorithm-ExpectationMaximization-1.22.tar.gz
Running make install
  make test had returned bad status, won't install without force



  1. Create a gist of the full log and post the link to it here. If you are philosophically opposed to GitHub, I believe there are other places you could post, but I don't know how permanent they are.
  2. cpan and its related programs all (I believe) have options to automatically install dependencies which you do not already have installed. I wonder if deleting you cpan config file and reconfiguring to make sure that that option is set would help.
  3. If the log of the run does not show it, make sure to add the output of perl -V to the gist. Perl version info helps in these situations.

