Vue.js with Laravel Permission

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-07-17 12:01:18


I am in the process of integrating Laravel Permission API with Vue.JS frontend. I am using library for Laravel Permission. I am not understanding how can I check permission in the Vue JS front End (In Laravel blade I am using @Can to check the permission).


I will do a ajax call to check for permissions instead , something like this, but of cours eyou need to modify it to cater your needs.


Route::get('/permission/{permissionName}', 'PermissionController@check');


function check($permissionName) {
   if (! Auth::user()->hasPermissionTo($permissionName)) {
   return response('', 204);

Vue: (if you wanna do this synchronously), this is a simple example (Vue global mixin), you can turn this into Vue directive or component.

Vue.mixin("can", (permissionName) => {
    let hasAccess;
        .then(()=> {
            hasAccess = true;
        .catch(()=> {
            hasAccess = false;
    return hasAccess;

And then everytime you wanna check permission, you can just do

<el-input v-if="can('write-stuff')"> </el-input>


I'm literally working on this exact same thing. I'm thinking of adding a custom Vue directive that would check against the Laravel.permissions array.

It might even be as simple as

 Vue.directive('can', function (el, binding) {
  return Laravel.permissions.indexOf(binding) !== -1;

I haven't tested this code. Just brainstorming here.

<button v-can="editStuff">You can edit this thing</button>

I can hold permissions this way:

window.Laravel = <?php echo json_encode([
                'csrfToken' => csrf_token(),
                'userId' => Auth::user()->id,
                'permissions' => Auth::user()->permissions()->pluck('name')->toArray()
            ]); ?>


Just stumbled upon this problem and I would like to share what I found and implemented.

  1. Add an accessor on the User model the spatie/laravel-permission is using
    public function getAllPermissionsAttribute() {
       $permissions = [];
         foreach (Permission::all() as $permission) {
           if (Auth::user()->can($permission->name)) {
             $permissions[] = $permission->name;
       return $permissions;
  1. On your global page or layout page pass the permission from the accessor to the javascript.
    <script type="text/javascript">
          window.Permissions = {!! json_encode(Auth::user()->allPermissions, true) !!};
          window.Permissions = [];
  1. Create a global directive on resources/js/app.js
    Vue.directive('can', function (el, binding, vnode) {

        if(Permissions.indexOf(binding.value) !== -1){
           return vnode.elm.hidden = false;
           return vnode.elm.hidden = true;

Here you are checking if the permission you supplied on the directive is on the permission array from laravel. If found then it will hide the element else show, this function is like a v-if.

  1. Use it like this on your component - "add_items" is your permission
    <button type="button" v-can="'add_items'"></button>

This solution is from this but instead of a mixin, I use a directive. Got the idea of directive from @Ismoil Shifoev comment above.


You can use this format in Vuejs for Laravel Permission:

<div v-if="can('edit post')">
  <!-- Edit post form -->

<div v-if="is('super-admin')">
  <!-- Show admin tools -->

add function to User Model to get all user permissions&roles like this:

class User extends Authenticatable
    // ...

    public function jsPermissions()
        return json_encode([
                'roles' => $this->getRoleNames(),
                'permissions' => $this->getAllPermissions()->pluck('name'),

pass this data to JavaScript in HTML header:

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.Laravel = {
        csrfToken: "{{ csrf_token() }}",
        jsPermissions: {!! auth()->check()?auth()->user()->jsPermissions():null !!}

in app.js file add global Vuejs can function to check user permissions and is function to check user roles:

Vue.prototype.can = function(value){
    return window.Laravel.jsPermissions.permissions.includes(value);
} = function(value){
    return window.Laravel.jsPermissions.roles.includes(value);

