How can I combine or simplify multiple statements

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-07-16 09:48:12


I have repetitive statements and need help to simplify or combine statements They all have similar values and range from jan - dec and the item (sales change to different category in this example sales change to ncvat) changes for 32 different categories and each group has a different submit value

    $xml->sales->jan = $_POST['jan'];
    file_put_contents("2020/data.xml", $xml->asXML());


    $xml->sales->dec = $_POST['dec'];
    file_put_contents("2020/data.xml", $xml->asXML());

then I have

        $xml->ncvat->jan = $_POST['jan'];
        file_put_contents("2020/data.xml", $xml->asXML());
        $xml->ncvat->dec = $_POST['dec'];
        file_put_contents("2020/data.xml", $xml->asXML());

And so it carries on for 32 different form submit action


Usually when you have a lot of repetitive tasks, a loop is your best option. In this case, I think 2 loops will solve your problem.

//list of "categories". This also dictates how many outer-loops there will be. 
//Duplicates categories are allowed if needed.
$types = [

//list of months
$months = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'];

//loop each `$types`, and use `$key + 1` as an indicator for which "submit value" you are processing
foreach($types as $key => $type)
    //to start $sub at `1` instead of `0`
    $submit_value = $key + 1; 

    //check if submit value exists for current loop (e.g $_POST['submit1'])
    if(isset($_POST["submit{$submit_value}"])) {

        //loop each month
        foreach($months as $month) {

            //update xml for current month in current submission loop
            $xml->{$type}->{$month} = $_POST[$month];

//submit all changes at once instead of overwriting on each inner-loop.
file_put_contents("2020/data.xml", $xml->asXML());


I would do something like that :

$months = [
$numberOfIterations = 32;

for ($i = 1 ; $i <= $numberOfIterations ; $i++) {
   if (isset($_POST["submit{$i}"])) {
      foreach ($months as $month) {
         $xml->ncvat->$month = $_POST[$month];
         file_put_contents("2020/data.xml", $xml->asXML(), FILE_APPEND);

You can change "ncvat" by, for example, setting up an "hidden" field in your form. Like :

<input type="hidden" name="type" value="ncvat">

and then :

$months = [
$numberOfIterations = 32;

for ($i = 1 ; $i <= $numberOfIterations ; $i++) {
   if (isset($_POST["submit{$i}"])) {
      $type = $_POST['type'];
      foreach ($months as $month) {
         $xml->$type->$month = $_POST[$month];
         file_put_contents("2020/data.xml", $xml->asXML(), FILE_APPEND);


If you can pass sales, ncvat etc. as type via a hidden input or the value of the submit buttons with the same name then it is much easier:

$months = ['jan', 'feb'];     //etc...
$types  = ['sales', 'ncvat']; //etc...

foreach($months as $month) {
    if(!empty($_POST['type']) && !empty($_POST[$month]) && in_array($_POST['type'], $types)) {
        $xml->{$_POST['type']}->{$month} = $_POST[$month];
        file_put_contents("2020/data.xml", $xml->asXML()); //maybe this goes after the loop?

If you can't pass the type in the form then you can do this to get the submit:

$types  = ['submit1' => 'sales', 'submit2' => 'ncvat']; //etc...
$type = reset(array_intersect_key($types, $_POST));

However, since you only show 2020/data.xml and don't specify FILE_APPEND, if that is the only file it will be overwritten each time through the loop and you will only have dec data. Maybe you have separate files? Or build the XML and write it only once?

