Index of value in json responsebody (Gatling/Scala)

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-07-10 10:32:06


Given my json response body

[{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"HELFO","brukerGruppe":"Brukerstøtte"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"Klubbgaten Legesenter","brukerGruppe":"Lege"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"Sjøsiden Legesenter","brukerGruppe":"Lege"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"Athene legekontor Helsedirektoratet","brukerGruppe":"Lege"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"Xeon Legekontor","brukerGruppe":"Lege"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"Østmarka legekontor","brukerGruppe":"Lege"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"Hultemyra shamansamling","brukerGruppe":"Lege"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"AMIS Testsenter","brukerGruppe":"Lege"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"GLØSHAUGEN LEGESENTER DA","brukerGruppe":"Lege"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"Helse Møre og Romsdal HF","brukerGruppe":"Lege"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"St. Olavs hospital HF","brukerGruppe":"Saksbehandler"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"HELSEDIREKTORATET","brukerGruppe":"Saksbehandler"},{"brukergruppeSperret":false,"virksomhetsnavn":"Østmarka legekontor","brukerGruppe":"Saksbehandler"}

I am using


to obtain the first occurence in the array/json body with value "Lege" for the value "brukergruppe.

However the value "Lege" appears several times as you can see in the pasted json responsebody.

I want to obtain just the first value of "Lege" and save the INDEX-VALUE of that element in the response array/json.

Is there some logic that could be implemented to support this or a function (Scala/gatling) that returns the index-value?

I was thinking in the lines of something like this:


Or do I need to include some sort of conditioning here with if/else or something similar?

I have this representation of the implementation in C# and want to reproduce in Gatling using Scala.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Utilities


public static class JsonParser


    private static String[] parseJsonObject(String aJsonObject)


        return aJsonObject.Split('{', ',', '}');


    private static String[] parseJsonObject(String aJsonObject, String aSkip)


        String[] elements = parseJsonObject(aJsonObject);

        int pos = getArrayPositionOf(aSkip, elements);

        if (pos > 0) return elements.Skip(pos).ToArray();

        else return elements;


    private static String extractValueAsTextualNumber(String aStringThatHoldsValue, int aStartPos, int aEndPos)


        return aStringThatHoldsValue.Substring(aStartPos, aStringThatHoldsValue.Length - aStartPos);


    private static String extractValueWithoutDoubleFnut(String aStringThatHoldsValue, int aStartPos, int aEndPos)


        aStartPos++; // skip leading '"' (doubble-fnut)

        return aStringThatHoldsValue.Substring(aStartPos, aEndPos - aStartPos); // skip trailing '"' (doubble-fnut) - implicit.


    public static String getValue(String anAttributeString)


        int startPos = anAttributeString.IndexOf(':') + 1;

        int endPos = anAttributeString.LastIndexOf("\"");

        if ((endPos - startPos) > 0) // Then the value behind the : (semi colon) is also surrounded by double fnuts

            return extractValueWithoutDoubleFnut(anAttributeString, startPos, endPos);


            return extractValueAsTextualNumber(anAttributeString, startPos, endPos);


    public static String getElement(String aElementName, String aJsonObject)


        return  getElement(aElementName, aJsonObject, "");


    public static String getElement(String aElementName, String aJsonObject, String aSkip){

        String[] elementArray;

        if(aSkip == "") elementArray = parseJsonObject(aJsonObject);

        else elementArray = parseJsonObject(aJsonObject, aSkip);

        for (int i = 0; i < elementArray.Length; i++)


            if (elementArray[i].Contains("\"" + aElementName + "\":"))


                return getValue(elementArray[i]);



        return "";


    public static int getNumbersInARowOfSimularElements(String aElementName, String aValueContains, String aJsonObject)


        return getNumbersInARowOfSimularElements(aElementName, aValueContains, aJsonObject, -1);


    public static int getNumbersInARowOfSimularElements(String aElementName, String aValueContains, String aJsonObject, int aNotFoundPosition)


        String[] splittObject = parseJsonObject(aJsonObject);

        int position = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < splittObject.Length; i++)


            if (splittObject[i].Contains("\"" + aElementName + "\":"))



                if (splittObject[i].Contains(aValueContains)) return position;



        return aNotFoundPosition;


    public static int countNumbersOfSimularElements(String aElementName, String aValueContains, String aJsonObject)


        String[] splittObject = parseJsonObject(aJsonObject);

        int count = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < splittObject.Length; i++)


            if (splittObject[i].Contains("\"" + aElementName + "\":"))


                if (splittObject[i].Contains(aValueContains)) count++;



        return count;


    public static List<string> getVariantsOfValue(String aElementName, String aValueContains, String aJsonObject)


        String[] splittObject = parseJsonObject(aJsonObject);

        List<string> variants = new List<string>();

        for (int i = 0; i < splittObject.Length; i++)


            if (splittObject[i].Contains("\"" + aElementName + "\":"))


                if (splittObject[i].Contains(aValueContains)) {

                    if (variants.Contains(getValue(splittObject[i])) == false) variants.Add(getValue(splittObject[i]));




        return variants;


    public static String getValueOfNthSimularElement(String aElementName, int aNthPosition, String aJsonObject)


        String[] splittObject = parseJsonObject(aJsonObject);

        int position = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < splittObject.Length; i++)


            if (splittObject[i].Contains("\"" + aElementName + "\":"))



                if (position == aNthPosition) return getValue(splittObject[i]); ;



        return "";


    private static int getArrayPositionOf(String aElementName, String[] aStringArray)


        int aNotFoundPosition = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < aStringArray.Length; i++)


            if (aStringArray[i].Contains("\"" + aElementName + "\":")) return i;


        return aNotFoundPosition;




using System;

using System.Linq;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting;

using System.Globalization;

using Utilities;

using System.ComponentModel;

namespace Utilities



/// This class creates a custom extraction rule


[Description("Looks up the index (first match) of a json attribute that contains a specified substring.\n Based on this index a list of json attributes is stored using the correspondent context variable name list.")]

public class ExtractionRuleJsonLookUpIndex : ExtractionRule


    private string _lookUpAttribute;

    [Description("Name of Json attribute to look up.")]

    public string LookUpAttribute


        get { return _lookUpAttribute; }

        set { _lookUpAttribute = value; }


    private string _containsValue;

    [Description("Value of the Json attribute must contain this text to give a match.")]

    public string ContainsValue


        get { return _containsValue; }

        set { _containsValue = value; }


    private string _jsonAttributeLookUpList;

    [Description("Comma separated list of Json attributes to extract (one per ContextParameterStoreList).")]

    public string JsonAttributeLookUpList


        get { return _jsonAttributeLookUpList; }

        set { _jsonAttributeLookUpList = value; }


    private string _contextParameterStoreList;

    [Description("Comma separated list of context parameters for storing (one per JsonAttributeLookUpList).")]

    public string ContextParameterStoreList


        get { return _contextParameterStoreList; }

        set { _contextParameterStoreList = value; }


    [Description("The index value (ContextParameterValue) that will be stored when no match is found.")]

    private int _indexValueWhenNotFound;

    public int IndexValueWhenNotFound


        get { return _indexValueWhenNotFound; }

        set { _indexValueWhenNotFound = value; }


    private Boolean ParameterLenghtTest(int aContextListLength, int aJsonAttributeListLength, ExtractionEventArgs e)


        Boolean result = false;

        if (aContextListLength != aJsonAttributeListLength)

            e.Message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Different numbers of context parameters and json attributes in rule: {0}", this.ContextParameterName);


            result = true;

        return result;


    public override void Extract(object sender, ExtractionEventArgs e)


        e.Success = false;

        String contextStr = "";

        String[] jsonAtrributesSplit = null;

        String[] contextParametersSplit = null;

        if (e.Response.HtmlDocument != null)


            int selectionIdx = JsonParser.getNumbersInARowOfSimularElements(LookUpAttribute, ContainsValue, e.Response.BodyString, IndexValueWhenNotFound);

            e.WebTest.Context.Add(this.ContextParameterName, selectionIdx);

            if (selectionIdx != IndexValueWhenNotFound)


                if ((JsonAttributeLookUpList != "") && (ContextParameterStoreList != ""))


                    jsonAtrributesSplit = JsonAttributeLookUpList.Split(',');

                    contextParametersSplit = ContextParameterStoreList.Split(',');

                    if (ParameterLenghtTest(contextParametersSplit.Length, jsonAtrributesSplit.Length, e) == false) return;

                    for (int loop = 0; loop < jsonAtrributesSplit.Length; loop++)


                        contextStr = JsonParser.getValueOfNthSimularElement(jsonAtrributesSplit[loop], selectionIdx, e.Response.BodyString);

                        if (contextStr != "") e.WebTest.Context.Add(contextParametersSplit[loop], contextStr);




            e.Success = true;



        e.Message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Not Found: {0}", this.ContextParameterName);




