How to use 'cbc' in pyomo's SolverFactory in Windows 10

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-07-10 10:26:46


I have been trying to use 'cbc' solver in pyomo as following:


import pyomo.environ as pe

solver = pe.SolverFactory('cbc')

result = solver.solve(m)


Currently, I have been relying on the embedded solver with pyomo installation, which is 'glpk', and I have found that 'cbc' can do better job in many circumstances.

I am using: python 3.XX

Anaconda environment

Windows 10

Pyomo (installed via Conda)

It would be great to upgrade the ability of pyomo by using advanced solver!


You will need to install cbc separately so that it can be used as a callable library. I think the best place to start to look is here:

That readme file talks about windows installation. (I use mac...either path is a bit bumpy, but doable)

you may still need to build it from binaries...not too sure... I'm not too experienced here, maybe others can pile on.

