How to Customize Custom Field Formula in VBA?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-07-09 17:07:57


I'm trying to modify a formula in a custom field in VBA. I currently have the following code:

CustomFieldSetFormula FieldID:=pjCustomTaskNumber9
Formula = IIf(IIf([% Complete] = 100, 2, IIf([% Complete] < 100 And [Finish] > [Baseline Finish], 1, IIf([Unique ID] > maxUID, 3))))
CustomFieldProperties FieldID:=pjCustomTaskNumber9, Attribute:=pjFieldAttributeFormula, SummaryCalc:=pjCalcFormula, GraphicalIndicators:=True, AutomaticallyRolldownToAssn:=False

The maxUID will change most likely each time I plan to use the macro. When attempting to execute the code, I get the error message:

External name not defined" for the "[% Complete]

Updated Code: Getting error on 2nd line of code still.

customFormula = "IIf(IIf([% Complete] = 100, 2, IIf([% Complete] < 100 And [Finish] > [Baseline Finish], 1, IIf([Unique ID] > " & maxUID & ", 3))))"
CustomFieldSetFormula FieldID:=pjCustomTaskNumber9, Formula:=customFormula
CustomFieldProperties FieldID:=pjCustomTaskNumber9, Attribute:=pjFieldAttributeFormula, SummaryCalc:=pjCalcFormula, GraphicalIndicators:=True


Build the custom formula as a string and include it when calling the CustomFieldSetFormula method:

Dim customFormula As String
customFormula = "IIf([% Complete] = 100, 2, IIf([% Complete] < 100 And [Finish] > [Baseline Finish], 1, IIf([Unique ID] > " & maxUID & ", 3)))"
CustomFieldSetFormula FieldID:=pjCustomTaskNumber9, Formula:=customFormula
CustomFieldProperties FieldID:=pjCustomTaskNumber9, Attribute:=pjFieldAttributeFormula, SummaryCalc:=pjCalcFormula, GraphicalIndicators:=True, AutomaticallyRolldownToAssn:=False

