Vue Checkbox filter component not working

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-07-09 13:12:55


In a single file component I made a checkbox array:

      v-for="(category, index) in categories" 
      <input type="checkbox" :value="category.value"
      <span class="ml-2 text-gray-700 capitalize">{{ category.value }}</span>

With EventBus I transfer the data to the List component:

methods: {
    emitSearchValue() {
      EventBus.$emit('checked-value', 'this.checkedCategories')

In the List component I listen for the EventBus:

created() {
 EventBus.$on('checked-value', (checkedCategories) => {
  this.checkedvalue = checkedCategories;

Then my computed property look like this:

computed: {
 filteredData() {

   return this.blogs.filter(blog =>
   // if there are no checkboxes checked. all values will pass otherwise the category must be included
    !this.checkedCategories.length || this.checkedCategories.includes(blog.category)

In the console I get:

[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"

Here is a link to a sandbox.

Whats wrong here?


Change the computed prop filteredData to:

computed: {
    filteredData() {
      if(!this.checkedvalue.length) return this.experiences

      return this.experiences.filter(experience =>

