How to use different tsconfig file for test files in vscode?

Deadly 提交于 2020-07-09 03:20:30


This question is similar to this question: How to use different tsconfig file for tests? But I am asking for visual studio code.

I have two tsconfig files:

  • tsconfig.json for all application files
  • tsconfig.test.json for all test files

tsconfig.json excludes all *.spec.ts while tsconfig.test.json only includes these files.

How can I make visual studio code to understand that an opened .spec.ts file belongs to tsconfig.test.json?

I dont want to separate all my tests into an own test directory with its own tsconfig.json included but rather keep them next to the application files.


VS Code has limitation to a single tsconfig.json for now (see:

Considering the project structure is:

  • src/
  • tsconfig.json
  • tsconfig.test.json

Create ./src/tsconfig.json file with content:

  "extends": "../tsconfig.test.json"

