My Tkinter GUI seems visually out of focus when opened

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-06-28 09:22:15


When I open my GUI, I can type in it and do stuff, but the OptionMenu and Button widgets look as if the GUI is out of focus. A picture to demonstrate what I mean: (take a look at the dropdown menus and the buttons)

After I focus on a different app and then click on my GUI again, it has the right colors which should be there if it is in focus. Once again a picture so it is clearer what I mean:

So my question is, does anyone know why this is happening and what I should do so that the GUI is also visually in focus when I open it for the first time?

I know it is bad practice to upload all this code as it's better to upload a minimal reproducible example, but I figured every small detail could be important here as to why this is happening. Therefore, I decided to upload a larger piece of the code I'm using for the GUI.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import font as tkfont

root = Tk()

# GUI stuff that takes care of the scrollbar
def on_configure(event):

def on_mousewheel(event):
    canvas.yview_scroll(int(, 'units')

# Create some fonts
bold_font = tkfont.Font(weight='bold')

# Create the actual GUI
canvas = Canvas(root, width=450, height=550)

scrollbar = Scrollbar(root, command=canvas.yview)
# scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill='y')

canvas.bind('<Configure>', on_configure)
canvas.bind_all('<MouseWheel>', on_mousewheel)

frame = Frame(canvas)
canvas.create_window((0,0), window=frame)

labelNaamhuurder = Label(frame, text='Naam huurder', bg='#009688', font=bold_font).grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W, padx=(30, 0), pady=(15, 0))
naamhuurderr = Entry(frame, textvariable=naamhuurder, relief=FLAT, highlightcolor='#9DCCFD')
naamhuurderr.grid(row=0, column=2, pady=(15, 0))

# All the other rows are the same as the one above so I decided to leave them out 

labelAdresapp = Label(frame, text='Adres appartement', bg='#009688', font=bold_font).grid(row=5, column=0, pady=(15, 0), sticky=W, padx=(30, 0))
appartementen = {'Slotlaan 73', 'Slotlaan 77', 'Albert Cuypstraat 22'}
adresapp.set('Slotlaan 73') # Default option
dropdownMenuhuur = OptionMenu(frame, adresapp, *appartementen)
dropdownMenuhuur.grid(row=5, column=2, pady=(15, 0))

labelTypekamer = Label(frame, text='Type kamer', bg='#009688', font=bold_font).grid(row=6, column=0, pady=(15, 0), sticky=W, padx=(30, 0))
typeKamers = {'Grote kamer', 'Kleine kamer', 'Grote kamer gedeeld'}
typekamer.set('Grote kamer') # Default option
dropdownMenutypekamer = OptionMenu(frame, typekamer, *typeKamers)
dropdownMenutypekamer.grid(row=6, column=2, pady=(15, 0))

empty = Button(frame, text='Opnieuw', command=clear, font=bold_font)
empty.config(width=10, fg='#009688', borderwidth=0, relief=RAISED)
empty.grid(row=11, column=0, pady=(25, 0), padx=(80, 0))

converter = Button(frame, text='OK', command=contractupdater, font=bold_font)
converter.config(width=10, fg='#009688', borderwidth=2, relief=RAISED)
converter.grid(row=11, column=2, pady=(25, 0), padx=(0, 80))


For some more context: this is basically a follow-up question on this question.


I'm not sure if this is the right fix for this issue but it works. So by using root.upadte() I was able to solve the issue, but this leads to another issue of flashing window changing sizes from default at the start which can also be solved with this,

root = tk.Tk()
root.wm_withdraw()  # Hide the window (unmapped)
root.update()       # Update the window when it is hidden

# Show the window back again just before the mainloop with 1ms delay.
root.after(1, root.deiconify) 

This should solve your issue with focus at the start, let me know otherwise.

