Is it possible to export questions and multiple choice options from a Google Form to a Google Sheet?

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-06-28 05:43:08


We have a series of Google Forms that contain multiple choice questions, each with 4 possible answers.

I would like to be able to export the question and all possible answers to a Google Sheet for all of the questions and answers in that Google Form.

For example:

Q1: What is the capital of England?

  • A: London
  • B: Paris
  • C: Madrid
  • D: Helsinki

I've tried a variety of add-ons. There are loads that allow Google Sheets > Google Form, but nothing in reverse (that I can find), so I assume it will be a script of some kind.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks. Liam.


In the following code, which I made using Apps Script, you can find a way to extract questions and answers from a google form and then put the values in a certain sheet of your choice

// Open a form by ID.
var form = FormApp.openById('YOUR-FORM-ID');
// Open a sheet by ID.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('YOUR-SHEET-ID').getSheets()[0];

// variables for putting the questions and answers in the right position
var question_position = 0;
var answers_position = 0;

// main function to run
function getFormValues() {

// Iterate over all questions 
function callback(el){
  // check if the question is multiple choice
  if (el.getType() == FormApp.ItemType.MULTIPLE_CHOICE) {
    // change the type from Item to MultipleChoiceItem
    var question = el.asMultipleChoiceItem();
    var choices = question.getChoices();
    // set the title of the question in the cell
    sheet.getRange(question_position +1, 1).setValue(question.getTitle());
    var i = 0;
    // set the answers in the right cells
    for (i; i < choices.length; i++){
      sheet.getRange(answers_position + 1, 2).setValue(choices[i].getValue());
    question_position += i;


If you're wondering where I got all this info you can check these two links:

  • Spreadsheet
  • Google Forms


This seems like you'd need an Apps Script add-on or a manually developed Apps-Script script. Try to find a freelancer or a coworker to build it for you.

Sheets is the easiest to work with:

