Argon2 is difficult to get working with Angular 8 on MacOS: actually not working at all

久未见 提交于 2020-06-28 03:45:14


I am working with:

  • MacOS Mojave
  • Angular 8
  • node v12.12.0
  • npm v6.13.4

and trying to make Argon2 to work in my Angular 8 app.

In order to use Argon2 it is required to install gcc and node-gyp globally. I did install them as indicated on the npm pages of Argon2. GCC v9 was installed. But, I had repeatedly problems executing:

CXX=g++-9 npm install

I kept getting errors about stdlib++ . I tried using Apple's CLang++ and got a successful build with:

CXX=clang++ npm install

I imported argon2 in my angular project in order to do password hashing and verification. Hashing seems to be working well (no errors) but as soon as I import argon2.verify() and use it in my code (by making a verify-call) I will get an error when trying to execute npm run start. Just trying to start the httpserver secured (ssl/tls) with corresponding private key and certificate.

The error I get is some mysterious error:

ERROR in ./node_modules/node-gyp-build/index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs' in '/Users/[username-deleted]/WebstormProjects/my-app/node_modules/node-gyp-build'

I have seen comments and complaints on probably similar problems on internet and people referring to some adjustment in a Webpack config file but at this point I dont have this config file in my project. I tried other versions of node-gyp-build but not resolved. Apparently argon2.hash() (its usage) is working without causing problems, but as soon as I introduce argon2.verify() in my code and run my app with npm run start I get the above error.

Any one with similar problem and how this problem was resolved?


I had the same issue and fixed it by installing the Xcode Command Line Tools:
  1. xcode-select --install
  2. npm upgrade
  3. npm install argon2 --save-dev

Hope it helps.

