Close the stdin of boost::process child

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-06-27 23:22:48


I'm trying to call a process with a string to its stdin, with Boost-1.64.0. The current code is :

  bp::opstream inStream ;
  bp::ipstream outStream;
  bp::ipstream errStream;

  bp::child child(
    command, // the command line
    bp::std_out > outStream,
    bp::std_err > errStream,
    bp::std_in  < inStream);

  // read the outStream/errStream in threads


The problem is that the child executable is waiting for its stdin EOF. Here child.wait() is hanging indefinitely…

I tried to used asio::buffer, std_in.close(),… But no luck. The only hack I found was to delete() the inStream… And that's not really reliable.

How am I supposed to "notify" the child process and close its stdin with the new boost::process library ?

Thanks !


I tried to used asio::buffer, std_in.close()

This works. Of course it only works if you pass it to a launch function (bp::child constructor, bp::system, etc).

If you need to pass data, and then close it, simply close the associated filedescriptor. I do something like this:

boost::asio::async_write(input, bp::buffer(_stdin_data), [&input](auto ec, auto bytes_written){
    if (ec) {
        logger.log(LOG_WARNING) << "Standard input rejected: " << ec.message() << " after " << bytes_written << " bytes written";
    may_fail([&] { input.close(); });

Where input is

bp::async_pipe input(ios);

Also, check that the process is not actually stuck sending the output! If you fail to consume the output it would be buffering and waiting if the buffer is full.


Closing the pipe by calling inStream.close(); when you're done writing to it. You can also close it while launching with bp::std_in.close().

The asio solution of course also works and avoids the danger of deadlocks.

