How to fetch a JSON with SparkAR networking module

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-06-27 16:37:11


I want to fetch data from an URL with SparkAR's networking module and display it.

I tried the example found in the Spark AR documentation but it doesn't do much:

Don't forget to add "" to Spark AR's whitelisted domains first. :)

// Load in the required modules
const Diagnostics = require('Diagnostics');
const Networking = require('Networking');

// Create the request

// Store the URL we're sending the request to
const url = '';

// Create a request object
const request = {

  // The HTTP Method of the request
  // (
  method: 'POST',

  // The HTTP Headers of the request
  // (
  headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'},

  // The data to send, in string format
  body: JSON.stringify({title: 'Networking Module'})


// Send the request and log the results

// Send the request to the url
Networking.fetch(url, request).then(function(result) {

  // Check the status of the result
  // (
  if ((result.status >= 200) && (result.status < 300)) {

    // If the request was successful, chain the JSON forward
    return result.json();


  // If the request was not successful, throw an error
  throw new Error('HTTP status code - ' + result.status);

}).then(function(json) {

  // Log the JSON obtained by the successful request
  Diagnostics.log('Successfully sent - ' + json.title);

}).catch(function(error) {

  // Log any errors that may have happened with the request
  Diagnostics.log('Error - ' + error.message);


All I get is : ">> Successfully sent - Networking Module"

Does anybody know how I could get the json content to be displayed in the console I want to store it and use it in a text object afterwards.


In my case a have a url that give me a random item in json format.


Result: {"item":"Item 14"}

In the code, replace the line:

 Diagnostics.log('Successfully sent - ' + json.title);  

with this:

// show json data in console

// Asign json data to text object
itemText.text = json.item;

First line shows the json data in console. Second line asign the json data to a text object in the scene, in this case the "itemText" text object.

Full code:

const Diagnostics = require('Diagnostics');
const Scene = require('Scene');
const Networking = require('Networking');
const URL = '';
var itemText = Scene.root.find('itemText');

    if( (result.status >=200) && (result.status < 300)){ return result.json(); } 
    else { throw new Error('HTTP Status Code: ' + result.status); }
    // show json data in console

    // Asign json data to text object
    itemText.text = json.item;
    itemText = 'Failed to start'; 
    Diagnostics.log(result.status + error); 

