how to assign Class Instance to a variable and use that in other class

半腔热情 提交于 2020-06-26 12:23:07


I am doing some basic practice for Python. Here, I am defining 3 classes. Now, I need to pass instance of first class in another class and use that in the last one.

I wrote code like below:

#defining first class:
class MobileInventory:

    def __init__(self, inventory=None):
        if inventory == None:
            balance_inventory = {}
        elif not isinstance(inventory, dict):
            raise TypeError("Input inventory must be a dictionary")
        elif not (set(map(type, inventory)) == {str}):
            raise ValueError("Mobile model name must be a string")
        elif [True for i in inventory.values() if (not isinstance(i, int) or i < 1)]:
            raise ValueError("No. of mobiles must be a positive integer")
        self.balance_inventory = inventory

# class to add elements to existing dictionary of above class
class add_stock:

    def __init__(self, m, new_stock):
        if not isinstance(new_stock, dict):
            raise TypeError("Input stock must be a dictionary")
        elif not (set(map(type, new_stock)) == {str}):
            raise ValueError("Mobile model name must be a string")
        elif [True for i in new_stock.values() if (not isinstance(i, int) or i < 1)]:
            raise ValueError("No. of mobiles must be a positive integer")

        for key, value in new_stock.items():
            if key in m.balance_inventory.keys():
                x = m.balance_inventory[key] + value
                m.balance_inventory[key] = x
                m.balance_inventory.update({key: value})

#class to testing the above functionality
class Test_Inventory_Add_Stock:

    m = ''

    def setup_class():
        m = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model xy': 100, 'Xiaomi Model YA': 1000, 'Nokia Model Zs': 25})
        print(m.balance_inventory)  # giving Output {'iPhone Model xy': 100, 'Xiaomi Model YA': 1000, 'Nokia Model Zs': 25}

    def test_add_new_stock_as_dict():
        add_stock( m, {'iPhone Model X': 50, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 2000, 'Nokia Model A': 10})


The above i giving error 'NameError: name 'm' is not defined' for test_add_new_stock_as_dict method.

Why is it not taking m, when I am declaring that in class? how is it possible to use MobileInventory.balance_inventory directly in add_stock class? I tried it's giving error.

Expected: I need to remove the NameError. And any way to use MobileInventory.balance_inventory (i.e. another class reference) directly in class without instance of that


Python variable name scopes prefer the local scope over anything outside, so you need to tell the interpreter where m is coming from.

Both in the first and second method, you can use Test_Inventory_Add_Stock.m to refer to your static class variable m.

class Test_Inventory_Add_Stock:

    m = ''

    def setup_class():
        Test_Inventory_Add_Stock.m = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model xy': 100, 'Xiaomi Model YA': 1000, 'Nokia Model Zs': 25})
        print(m.balance_inventory)  # giving Output {'iPhone Model xy': 100, 'Xiaomi Model YA': 1000, 'Nokia Model Zs': 25}

    def test_add_new_stock_as_dict():
        add_stock(Test_Inventory_Add_Stock.m, {'iPhone Model X': 50, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 2000, 'Nokia Model A': 10})

But that doesn't look very good. To keep the variables confined to an instance of the class, try this:

class Test_Inventory_Add_Stock:

    def setup_class(self):
        self.m = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model xy': 100, 'Xiaomi Model YA': 1000, 'Nokia Model Zs': 25})
        print(m.balance_inventory)  # giving Output {'iPhone Model xy': 100, 'Xiaomi Model YA': 1000, 'Nokia Model Zs': 25}

    def test_add_new_stock_as_dict(self):
        add_stock(self.m, {'iPhone Model X': 50, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 2000, 'Nokia Model A': 10})

t = Test_Inventory_Add_Stock()


AND for Testing this use this library from proj.inventory import MobileInventory, InsufficientException import pytest

class TestingInventoryCreation():

def test_creating_empty_inventory(self):
    c1 = MobileInventory()
    assert c1.balance_inventory == {}

def test_creating_specified_inventory(self):
    c2 = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X':100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z':25})
    assert c2.balance_inventory == {'iPhone Model X':100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z':25}
    #{'iPhone Model X':100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z':25}

def test_creating_inventory_with_list(self):
    #c3 = MobileInventory(['iPhone Model X', 'Xiaomi Model Y', 'Nokia Model Z'])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) :
        c3 = MobileInventory(['iPhone Model X', 'Xiaomi Model Y', 'Nokia Model Z'])

def test_creating_inventory_with_numeric_keys(self):
    #c4 = MobileInventory({1:'iPhone Model X', 2:'Xiaomi Model Y', 3:'Nokia Model Z'})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c4 = MobileInventory({1:'iPhone Model X', 2:'Xiaomi Model Y', 3:'Nokia Model Z'})

def test_creating_inventory_with_nonnumeric_values(self):
    #c5 = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X':'100', 'Xiaomi Model Y': '1000', 'Nokia Model Z':'25'})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c5 = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X':'100', 'Xiaomi Model Y': '1000', 'Nokia Model Z':'25'})

def test_creating_inventory_with_negative_value(self):
    #c6 = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X':-45, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 200, 'Nokia Model Z':25})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) :
        c6 = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X':-45, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 200, 'Nokia Model Z':25})

class TestInventoryAddStock(): inventory = None

    def setup_class(cls):
            cls.inventory = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X': 100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z':25})

    def test_add_new_stock_as_dict(self):
            self.inventory.add_stock({'iPhone Model X': 50, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 2000, 'Nokia Model A': 10})
            assert self.inventory.balance_inventory == {'iPhone Model X': 150, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 3000, 'Nokia Model Z': 25, 'Nokia Model A': 10}

    def test_add_new_stock_as_list(self):
            with pytest.raises(TypeError) :
                    MobileInventory.add_stock(['iPhone Model X', 'Xiaomi Model Y', 'Nokia Model Z'])

    def test_add_new_stock_with_numeric_keys(self):
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                    MobileInventory.add_stock({1:'iPhone Model A', 2:'Xiaomi Model B', 3:'Nokia Model C'})

    def test_add_new_stock_with_nonnumeric_values(self):
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                    MobileInventory.add_stock({'iPhone Model A':'50', 'Xiaomi Model B': '2000', 'Nokia ModelC':'25'})

    def test_add_new_stock_with_float_values(self):
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                    MobileInventory.add_stock({'iPhone Model A':50.5, 'Xiaomi Model B':2000.3, 'Nokia Model C':25})

class TestInventorySellStock(): inventory = None

def setup_class(cls):
    cls.inventory = MobileInventory(
        {'iPhone Model A': 50, 'Xiaomi Model B': 2000, 'Nokia Model C': 10, 'Sony Model D': 1})

def test_sell_stock_as_dict(self):
    self.inventory.sell_stock({'iPhone Model A': 2, 'Xiaomi Model B': 20, 'Sony Model D': 1})
    assert self.inventory.balance_inventory == {'iPhone Model A': 48, 'Xiaomi Model B': 1980, 'Nokia Model C': 10,
                                                'Sony Model D': 0}

def test_sell_stock_as_list(self):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        MobileInventory.sell_stock(['iPhone Model A', 'Xiaomi Model B', 'Nokia Model C'])

def test_sell_stock_with_numeric_keys(self):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        MobileInventory.sell_stock({1: 'iPhone Model A', 2: 'Xiaomi Model B', 3: 'Nokia Model C'})

def test_sell_stock_with_nonnumeric_values(self):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        MobileInventory.sell_stock({'iPhone Model A': '5', 'Xiaomi Model B': '3', 'Nokia Model C': '4'})

def test_sell_stock_with_float_values(self):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        MobileInventory.sell_stock({'iPhone Model A': 2.5, 'Xiaomi Model B': 3.1, 'Nokia Model C': 4})

def test_sell_stock_of_nonexisting_model(self):
    with pytest.raises(InsufficientException):
        MobileInventory.sell_stock({'iPhone Model B': 2, 'Xiaomi Model B': 5})

def test_sell_stock_of_insufficient_stock(self):
    with pytest.raises(InsufficientException):
        MobileInventory.sell_stock({'iPhone Model A': 2, 'Xiaomi Model B': 5, 'Nokia Model C': 15})


class InsufficientException(Exception):

class MobileInventory:
    balance_inventory = {}
    def __init__(self, inventory=None):
        if not inventory:
            MobileInventory.balance_inventory = {}
            if not isinstance(inventory, dict):
                raise TypeError("Input inventory must be a dictionary")
            elif not (set(map(type, inventory)) == {str}):
                raise ValueError("Mobile model name must be a string")
                for i in inventory.values():
                    if isinstance(i, int) and i > 0:
                        raise ValueError("No. of mobiles must be a positive integer")
            MobileInventory.balance_inventory = inventory

def add_stock(cls, new_stock):
    print("before update")
    if not isinstance(new_stock, dict):
        raise TypeError("Input stock must be a dictionary")
    elif not (set(map(type, new_stock)) == {str}):
        raise ValueError("Mobile model name must be a string")
        for i in new_stock.values():
            if isinstance(i, int) and i > 0:
                raise ValueError("No. of mobiles must be a positive integer")

    for key, value in new_stock.items():
        if key in cls.balance_inventory.keys():
            x = cls.balance_inventory[key] + value
            cls.balance_inventory[key] = x
            cls.balance_inventory.update({key: value})
    print("after update")

def sell_stock(cls, requested_stock):
    if not isinstance(requested_stock, dict):
        raise TypeError("Requested stock must be a dictionary")
    elif not (set(map(type, requested_stock)) == {str}):
        raise ValueError("Mobile model name must be a string")
        for i in requested_stock.values():
            if isinstance(i, int) and i > 0:
                raise ValueError("No. of mobiles must be a positive integer")
    for key, value in requested_stock.items():
        if key in cls.balance_inventory.keys():
            if cls.balance_inventory[key] < value:
                raise InsufficientException("Insufficient Stock")
                y = cls.balance_inventory[key] - value
                cls.balance_inventory[key] = y
            raise InsufficientException("No Stock. New Model Request")

