How to exclude certain dependencies from being added to the Class-Path in maven?

前提是你 提交于 2020-06-17 09:43:24


I'm using maven to build an executable JAR and I want to add all dependencies minus a select few to the Class-Path of my MANIFEST.MF. So far I'm using the maven-jar-plugin for this:

<!-- Add dependent JARs to the classpath -->

This works for adding all dependencies. However, I furthermore want to exclude certain dependencies from being added to the Class-Path. According to the documentation you can use the exclude tag as follows:

    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->

I would expect this to exclude any dependency which has selenium in the name but it does not work. For example I would like to exclude libraries/selenium-json-4.0.0-alpha-6.jar from the Class-Path. Even if I specify that exact name it does not exclude anything. I would also like to provide the groupId for exclusion similar to how the maven-dependency-plugin's excludeGroupIds tag works.

How can the desired Class-Path management be done using maven?

I'm also using maven-shade-plugin for building the executable (fat) JAR but its manifest manipulation facilities seem lesser known/documented. Setting the Class-Path using maven-shade-plugin via this answer works but how can I populate my dependencies with exclusions instead of hard-coding everything?



The includes and excludes parameters of the Maven JAR Plugin work on files, not on dependencies.

Longer version

Selenium is typically used as a test dependency. Is Selenium declared as a Maven dependency? If it's only used for tests, I would expect it to have <scope>test</scope>. In that case, it will not end up in the JAR manifest.

If you don't use Selenium as a test dependency and still don't want it to end up in the manifest, you may consider adding <scope>provided</scope>. Provided dependencies don't end up in the JAR manifest either. This would also mean that at runtime, as soon as you invoke a Selenium API it will probably crash...

