Python type hints for function returning multiple return values

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-06-14 06:03:30


How do I write the function declaration using Python type hints for function returning multiple return values?

Is the below syntax allowed?

def greeting(name: str) -> str, List[float], int :

// do something

return a,b,c


You can use a typing.Tuple type hint (to specify the type of the content of the tuple, if it is not necessary, the built-in class tuple can be used instead):

from typing import Tuple

def greeting(name: str) -> Tuple[str, List[float], int]:
    # do something
    return a, b, c


Multiple return values in python are returned as a tuple, and the type hint for a tuple is not the tuple class, but typing.Tuple.

import typing

def greeting(name: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, List[float], int]:

    # do something

    return a,b,c

