RHEL w/Tkinter & Python3 - Changing the Activity name from “Tk”

点点圈 提交于 2020-05-30 12:30:56


I'm trying to set the Activity (not sure of the proper term, see screenshot) name for a Tkinter app. I'm not a Linux expert, novice, or really even beginner, but the system about dialog lists my test machine as Fedora 30. Window Manager is Gnome.

Code can't get much simpler:

import tkinter as tk

master.title("My lil' Application")

This is most likely either a very simple or impossible thing to accomplish. I've not been able to come up with the magical search terms that result in an answer yet. This seems like something that someone else must have run into though which means the answer has to be out there.

Thank you for your time.

Solution from stovfl:

import tkinter as tk

master=tk.Tk(className="My lil' Application")
master.title("My lil' Application")

