Prevent Cyclic references when converting with MapStruct

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-05-27 04:32:42


Today I started using MapStruct to create my Model to DTO converters for my project and i was wondering if it handled cyclic references automatically but it turned out it doesn't.

This is the converter i made to test it:


import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.Mapping;
import org.mapstruct.Mappings;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import it.cdc.snp.dto.entita.Avvisinotifica;
import it.cdc.snp.dto.entita.Corrispondenza;
import it.cdc.snp.model.notifica.AvvisoDiNotificaModel;
import it.cdc.snp.model.notifica.NotificaModel;
import it.cdc.snp.model.procedimento.ProcedimentoModel;

public interface NotificaMapper {

    NotificaMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( NotificaMapper.class );

        @Mapping(source = "avvisinotificas", target = "avvisinotificas"),
    NotificaModel<ProcedimentoModel> corrispondenzaToNotificaModel(Corrispondenza notifica);

        @Mapping(source = "corrispondenza", target = "notifica"),
    AvvisoDiNotificaModel avvisinotificaToAvvisoDiNotificaModel(Avvisinotifica avvisinotifica);


This is the test:

        Notifica sourceObject1 = new Notifica();
        sourceObject1.setId(new Long(1));
        Avvisinotifica sourceObject2 = new Avvisinotifica();
        sourceObject2.setId(new Long(11));
        List<Avvisinotifica> tests= new ArrayList<>();

        NotificaModel destObject1 = new NotificaModel<>();
        Avvisinotifica destObject2 = new Avvisinotifica();

        NotificaModel converted = mapper.corrispondenzaToNotificaModel(sourceObject1);

Notifica, Avvisinotifica and their respective models are simple POJOs with setters and getters so i don't think it's needed to post the code (Notifica extends Corrispondenza, if you were wondering)

this code gets into an infinite cycle, nothing very surprising here (though i hoped it'd handle these situations). And while i think i can find an elegant way to manually handle it (i was thinking about using methods with @MappingTarget to insert the Referenced objects ) what i was wondering is if there's some way to tell MapStruct how to automatically handle cyclic references.


There is no detection or special handling of cases like this in MapStruct yet, but there is a feature request for it: #469. If you got any ideas how to deal with cycles, please drop a comment at that issue.


Notifica and Avvisinotifica are not helping me understand your models. Thus lets say you have the above Child and Father models,

public class Child {
    private int id;
    private Father father;
    // Empty constructor and getter/setter methods ommitted.

public class Father {
    private int x;
    private List<Child> children;
    // Empty constructor and getter/setter methods ommitted.

public class ChildDto {
    private int id;
    private Father father;
    // Empty constructor and getter/setter methods ommitted.

public class FatherDto {
    private int id;
    private List<Child> children;
    // Empty constructor and getter/setter methods ommitted.

You should create a Mapper like this,

public abstract class ChildMapper {

    protected void ignoreFathersChildren(Child child, @MappingTarget ChildDto childDto) {

    public abstract ChildDto myMethod(Child child);

The @AfterMapping annotation means that the method will be imported inside the generated source, after the mapping of the properties. Thus, the Mapper implementation will be like this,

public class ChildMapperImpl extends ChildMapper {

    public ChildDto myMethod(Child child) {
        if ( child == null ) {
            return null;

        ChildDto childDto = new ChildDto();

        childDto.setId( child.getId() );
        childDto.setFather( child.getFather() );

        ignoreFathersChildren( child, childDto );

        return childDto;

In this implementation the child has the parent set. This means that a cycle reference exists, but using the ignoreFathersChildren(child, childDto) method we remove the reference (we set it as null).



Using the mapstruct version 1.2.0.Final you can do it better,

public interface ChildMapper {

//         @Mapping(target = "father", expression = "java(null)"),
         @Mapping(target = "father", qualifiedByName = "fatherToFatherDto")})
    ChildDto childToChildDto(Child child);

         @Mapping(target = "children", expression = "java(null)")})
    FatherDto fatherToFatherDto(Father father);


At least in mapstruct 1.3 you can use the following:

The solution is widely inspired by

Define a Context class (widely inspired by ):

 * An implementation to track cycles in graphs to be used as {@link Context} parameter.
public class CycleAvoidingMappingContext {
    private Map<Object, Object> knownInstances = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>();

     * Gets an instance out of this context if it is already mapped.
     * @param source
     *        given source
     * @param targetType
     *        given target type.
     * @return Returns the resulting type.
    public <T> T getMappedInstance(Object source, @TargetType Class<T> targetType) {
        return targetType.cast(knownInstances.get(source));

     * Puts an instance into the cache, so that it can be remembered to avoid endless mapping.
     * @param source
     *        given source
     * @param target
     *        given target
    public void storeMappedInstance(Object source, @MappingTarget Object target) {
        knownInstances.put( source, target );

In each mapper, which maps classes with cyclic references, add this org.mapstruct.Context:

 * Mapper. Automatically implemented by mapstruct.
public interface SomeObjWithCyclesMapper {

     * instance.
    SomeObjWithCyclesMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(SomeObjWithCyclesMapper.class);

     * Mapper method to map entity to domain. Automatically implemented by mapstruct.
     * @param entity
     *        given entity.
     * @param context
     *        context to avoid cycles.
     * @return Returns the domain object.
    SomeObjWithCycles entityToDomain(SomeObjWithCyclesEntity entity, @Context CycleAvoidingMappingContext context);

     * Mapper method to map domain object to entity. Automatically implemented by mapstruct.
     * @param domain
     *        given domain object.
     * @param context
     *        context to avoid cycles.
     * @return Returns the entity.
    SomeObjWithCyclesEntity domainToEntity(SomeObjWithCycles domain, @Context CycleAvoidingMappingContext context);


