Is there a nice way splitting a (potentially) long string without splitting in words in Python?

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-05-12 08:29:49


I want to make sure that I only print maximum 80 character long lines, but I have a string s that can be both shorter and longer than that. So I want to split it into lines without splitting any words.

Example of long string:

s = "This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely and all that. No mishaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good too. That's the problem!"

I can devise ways of doing this such as:

words = s.split(" ")
line = ""
for w in words:
    if len(line) + len(w) <= 80:
        line += "%s " % w
        print line
        line ="%s " % w

print line

Equally I could use s.find(" ") iteratively in a while-loop:

sub_str_left = 0
pos = 0
next_pos = s.find(" ", pos)
while next_pos > -1:
    if next_pos - sub_str_left > 80:
        print s[sub_str_left:pos-sub_str_left]
        sub_str_left = pos + 1

    pos = next_pos
    next_pos = s.find(" ", pos)

print s[sub_str_left:]

None of these are very elegant, so my question is if there's a cooler pythonic way of doing this? (Maybe with regex or so.)


There's a module for that: textwrap

For instance, you can use

print '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(s, 80))


print textwrap.fill(s, 80)


import re
re.findall('.{1,80}(?:\W|$)', s)


import re

s = "This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely and all that. No misshaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good too. That's the problem!"

print '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in re.findall(r'.{1,80}(?:\s+|$)', s))


This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be
split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely
and all that. No misshaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good
too. That's the problem!


You can try this python script

import os, sys, re
s = "This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely and all that. No misshaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good too. That's the problem!"
limit = 83
n = int(len(s)/limit)
b = 0
j= 0
for i in range(n+2):

    while 1:
        if s[limit - j] not in [" ","\t"]:
            j = j+1
            limit = limit - j
    st = s[b:i*limit]
    print st
    b = i*limit

