Smart card Mifare 1k keys

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-04-30 10:20:06


Following some example I can read all blocks of sector 0 of a Mifare 1K card with the following commands:

  • Load Authentication Keys
  • Authentication
  • Read Binary Blocks

For the first command I used a key of FF FF FF FF FF FF. When I try to read block 4 (sector 1) I get an access denied error. I suppose it is due to the fact that sector has a non default key. Is it correct ?

I'm not familiar with smart cards, the one I'm testing is for logging access to workplace, I (erroneously ?) thought it was as simple as a single read. All I need is the 6 digit code stamped on the card. I now suspect I have to know the key before accessing the information on the card.

Besides I thought there was a standard for Mifare 1K adpu.

According to documentation on internet the error condition is Sw1 = 0x63 but according to my specific reader manual (AccessIs ATR210) it is Sw1 = 0x69. There are major differences in the adpu command too and it is confusing for me.


Mifare and smart cards are different, only the latter understand APDUs. For the former the reader translates a pseudo-APDU to the respective command, therefore the reader or its driver may require different bytes.

If the card you describe is used for a real world application, then a key different from the default is the very minimum one has to do to maintain the low MIFARE classic security. Besides a different value, the read access may not be possible using key A at all, see the data sheet, section 8.7.2.

I have no idea, what is stamped on your card, but 6 digits are less than the key value, which requires 6 bytes. Just the key value(s), i. e. for key A and B will allow you to access everything possibly restricted by the configured access bits.

