Enable Single Logout in WSO2 Identity server and redirect to custom login page

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-04-30 07:12:45


I am using WSO2-IS 5.3.0. I have configured many service provider and SAML SSO is working as expected. But when it comes to Logout, One functionality is working fine. It means it redirects me to a common logout page after an invaliding session.

Here, I have one case, I have one service provider for it, I need to perform single logout but it should redirect to my custom login page. Though IS providing the option to configure return URL(SLO Response URL) you can see in the below screenshot. I have done that but still its redirects to the common logout page.

Do I need any other configuration too?


You are performing an IdP initiated SLO as per the given request URL. In that case, you can use the returnTo parameter in that request to redirect the response.

So set the SLO response URL to return to URL of the Enable IdP initiated SLO config. Sample request would be as follow.


But, you might have to define the SP specific parameters in the request.

Reference : http://daytodayjava.blogspot.com/2015/08/saml2-idp-initiated-single-logout-with.html

