Is it possible to get a graphical representation of gprof results?

我们两清 提交于 2020-04-29 05:59:01


I am interested in getting the profiling of some number crunching program. I compiled it with -g and -pg options and linked it and got it gmon.out. After reading the info (plain text) it looks a bit ugly. I wonder if there are some open source tools for getting a graphical representation of the 10 functions where the program spends the most of the time as well as a flux diagram.



Gprof2Dot by jrfonseca is a tool that converts the output of many profilers, amongst which gprof, into a dot graph.


Not quite an answer to your question, but maybe a solution to your problem: I switched from gprof to valgrind's callgrind tool, primarily because of the incredible graphical tool kcachegrind, which you can use to visualize the results. It's interactive, so you can zoom in on interesting parts of the call graph.

Gprof2dot works with callgrind as well as gprof.

